The Grim Future is redeemable.

After forty-four years of incessant destruction of a beautiful country, by a vengeful moribund political party, the future is bright. Some of us may not be there to witness the dawn of a people joining hands, and participating in rebuilding a randomly destroyed country. But that future is as spectacular as can be imagined by the hopeful futurists.

The lamentations, concerning what currently prevails, are understandable, but hope must not be lost. The axiomatic protocols of this world include the truism that “confusion comes before order.” Others prefer putting it differently: “The darkest hour comes before dawn.” Despair serves only to overwhelm the fainthearted of our society. However, the resilience of the Zimbabwean people should forever be commendable. Otherwise, we are a country constantly invited to retaliation, since Gukurahundi.

There is no denying that the immediate future appears stressful indeed, regardless of whichever way one looks at things. The introduction of Zig as a monetary currency, promises more pain to the already suffering Zimbabweans. My earnest prayer is that the generality of the Zimbabweans remain peaceful. Violence and criminality cannot be the answer to an apparent worsening situation.

Those of the older generations lived to witness the effects of stillbirth independence. The forty-four years show nothing to smile about for the sane people, except the destructive trail. The insane insist that the advent of independence brought happiness, after a protracted armed struggle. The purely sane witnessed the deliberate provocations coming, even as early as 1980.

The Gukurahundi debacle was merely a harbinger of the worst things to come to the Zimbabwean people. Every year Zimbabweans are observed flocking to the national assemblies, to soothe themselves with the false appreciation of Zimbabwe’s stillbirth independence. The word “independence” itself means the opposite to the majority of those born after the armed struggle. This is the time to take stock and evaluate the destructive trail rather than constructive activities that are nowhere to be seen, since independence.

The last forty-four years are better forgotten, than remembered. People lost their loved ones during the senseless armed struggle. When Ian Smith insisted that those engaged in that warfare were terrorists, the majority of us refused to agree with him. The propaganda that motivated fighting to remove a white supremacist government was more appealing than common sense.

There is truth in that some whites preferred subjugating the black populace. Just as there is truth in that some blacks believed in being treated as second-class citizens. However, common sense did not require blood shading to correct that irregularity. Sadly, there are still some people stuck in that belief, whether black or white. Criminals continue to engage in destructive mode, promising to correct that narrative.

For blacks to assume that the prevailing failures are indicative of white-skinned people being superior is silly. This is just as it remains a criminal folly for the intransigent whites to maintain that blacks are stupider than whites. Such narratives are based on ignorance, rather than factual analysis, requiring level-headed thinkers to help such people.

The fact that Adolf Hitler was murderous does not make him better than the murderous Africans or anyone of any race, for that matter. The Zimbabwean people experienced the worst economic depression and suppression of freedoms, under ZANU PF. But who can prove that the ZANU PF skulduggery proves beyond doubt that a black man is inferior to a white man?

That belief is as falsified as the information that justified engagement in a destructive liberation struggle. Anything based on falsehood is as problematic as currently being experienced on the scale of millions having fled the country of their birth. There is no proof, suggesting that whites are wiser or stupider than blacks. Humans are not identified by their skin colour.

Criminals are found among white people, just as criminals can be found among black people. It is unnecessary to associate criminality with any race or culture. The existence of hard-core criminals in our society does not mean there cannot be good and ethical people in our society. Without influence from anyone, each person can identify ethical people, from unethical ones.

The challenge experienced by many is the inability to trust oneself. But through Zimbabwean experience, lessons have been learnt, as the saying goes: “When what you get is not what you wanted, then what you get is experience.” Except for the mentally challenged, the generality of Zimbabweans are now more capable than many people out in the world.

The greatest lesson is that life is not about wealth accumulation. The net value of an individual lies in what one has done in life. All is well for those having realised that humanity implies being more valuable than mineral resources. The greatest lie, currently lingering is that gold mafias and criminals in government positions cause poverty. While partially true, thievery cannot be sustainable with a changed mindset.

While bad governance can be blamed for bad conditions, each person ought to take responsibility for what prevails. The criminals occupying positions of authority portray irresponsibility by common people on the ground. Those devaluing themselves deserve to receive a devalued exchange. Criminals can’t take positions of authority when emerging from responsible citizens.

The term “independence” starts with individuals assuming responsibility. An individual’s contribution should never be considered insignificant. The structure of a building is sustained by thousands of brings, playing their parts for the building to stand. For instance, being a cleaner does not make one inferior to those occupying executive positions.

The value of a cleaner can be felt when that cleaner provides such services, professionally. It takes a person who values himself to think professionally. A strong nation is built by those taking responsibility, seriously. In other words, nothing can be worse than describing oneself as “just a worker.” If a cleaner, one ought to be a cleaner professionally, rather than “just a cleaner.”

If indeed, interested in cleaning, one should be professionally trained in that area. In studying for learning, four simple steps ought to be followed, for any job, not the least, cleaning. For instance, if a cleaner, how can one understand the principle of cleaning, except by first observing where professional cleaning is conducted?

The first lesson one adopts is observing. Although difficult to find professional cleaners in a dilapidated country such as ours, some places are still immaculately kept clean. This could be in private properties or any other spotted clean area. Observing cleanliness in surrounding areas is the first lesson for a cleaner. The second lesson is asking questions. Those who understand top-level cleanliness would always be willing to answer questions from keen cleaners.

Having first observed clean conditions, asking questions to obtain a deeper understanding, inspires a potential cleaner. The third lesson can be acquired by reading. The greatest asset that Zimbabweans have is a minimum literacy level. The ability to read, which may not be too demanding for a cleaner, enhances professionalism. Certainly, literature can be found about cleanliness in the surroundings.

A person who reads such literature is way above those taking cleaning as “just another job.” We are talking about people who value themselves as becoming professional cleaners when given that opportunity. Forty-four years of experience have disabused Zimbabweans from assuming that holding PhDs and all that trash, without tangible results, carries value. Anyone boasting about such achievements is a nincompoop.

A professionally trained cleaner is more valuable than a snobbish character boasting about several corruptly obtained degrees. Those who boast about being “highly educated” but failing to produce in deteriorating conditions should be ignored. Education without any valuable product is an embarrassment that should make most graduates ashamed.

This brings us to the fourth lesson of our professional cleaner: He/she started by observing the significance of cleanliness. He asked those involved with admirable clean spaces. He read literature about cleanliness. The last lesson is then putting into practice what is learnt. Theory without practice is useless. We now have a professional cleaner, capable of bringing back the dignity of our Zimbabwean people. That professional cleaner is more valuable than mineral resources, flaunted by thieves, having reduced our country to dilapidation.

Cleaners are considered lowly in a degraded society but are just as important as any other worker. But who would treat degradingly, a professional cleaner having gone through the described regimen above? No human is less important in a highly civilized society. Employed by a professionally established organization a cleaner is not different from anyone considered civilized.

Although assumed to be degraded for being a cleaner, that person could be a community leader at his/her residence. He could also be a Church Elder or a pastor if gifted with the ability to preach. Here we are talking about a responsible citizen, not just an ordinary citizen. This has nothing to do with a revolution, granting fictitious positions of authority. It is about a changed mindset, which all humans can attain.

From this behavioural pattern can evolve the rebuilding of a nation, without monetary support, or foreign involvement. The behaviour of a cleaner, used here as an example, applies to any other profession that carries value to the livelihood of humanity. Let alone those holding positions of authority in government. Responsible citizens can’t elect deadwood for government positions.

There are those now supposing that removing the current President from power would change things for the better. The 2017 coup proved that it is not a change of the person in power, but a matter of taking responsibility for what prevails in the environment. The credentials of a presidential candidate may also not necessarily be of concern, except subservience to the citizens.

The starting point is appreciating the significance of being human, hence, created in God’s image. That does not mean it is necessary to know everything. But, a question of what one does with the possessed knowledge. If involved with farming, one must be a professional farmer. If a medical doctor, one assumes that position with all the dignity and decorum that goes with it.

If a Member of Parliament, this does not mean taking time to speculate about perks accorded to such people currently referred to as “Honourable.” Having taken time to observe, ask questions, and read about what being an MP entails, one focuses on being the best MP. A functional government starts from the bottom up. A government minister is a servant of the people, under the supervision of a President who is a chief servant of the citizens.

The army is there to protect citizens and the president on behalf of citizens. This is different from an army that would be there to protect the president from the people. Under a professionally trained and constitutionally commissioned army commander, the soldiers perform their duties as professional soldiers and do not behave like a rag-tag militia.

The teaching profession would cease to be a laughing stock. The educational curricula need revision and structure according to the requirements of the populace. Teaching ought to be treated as the most important profession, above others. The foundation of all knowledge starts with a teacher. This requires a teaching profession to be granted the appropriate training and a dignified status.

The development of a country is impossible where education is treated as unimportant. From a highly educated populace, Zimbabwe can anticipate being counted as contributing to the civilization of the entire world. The scarcity of good education is a contributor to the condition that we are currently reeling under. But having learnt our lessons from what we have gone through, I suppose it is possible to perform better, given a chance. Otherwise, when remaining stuck in the current quagmire, the country remains doomed.

Without taking stock of individual contributions to the development of this country, everything looks bleak. We remain dead as a nation. Those currently destroying the currently will soon be out of the picture, due to ageing and health factors. The younger generation should be the ones trusted to embrace the idea of taking responsibility. This involves appreciating the value of humanity, rather than mineral resources.

This requires each person to truthfully discover what one was born to be; aware of the fact that no role is more important than others. If an artist, a person should be helped to become a professional artist. If a sports person, a person should be helped to develop professionally, in that area. Everything requires proper training, starting with teachers who should have a passion for that responsibility.

Andrew Masuku is the author of Dimensions of a New Civilization, laying down standards for uplifting Zimbabwe from the current state of economic depression into a model for other nations worldwide. A decaying tree provides an opportunity for a blossoming sprout. Written from a Christian perspective, the book is a product of inspiration, bringing relief to those having witnessed the strings of unworkable solutions––leading to the current economic and social decay. Most Zimbabweans should find the book as a long-awaited providential oasis of hope, in a simple conversational tone.

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