Jesus did not consider His healing works as miraculous. Jesus was a problem solver, always available to serve according to people’s needs. What human beings consider as having been miraculous activities, Jesus considered those as normal activities, intended to solve problems of those in need.
The restoration of God’s Kingdom implies focus on solving humanity’s problems. Service is what is expected of God’s people. Those fascinated by miracles, viewed as sign that Jesus was the Messiah, reveal possible lack of faith.
Such people are not different from Thomas who needed to see the nail marks, as proof that Jesus had risen. While showing what Thomas wanted to see, Jesus also showed Thomas that the blessed are those believing without seeing (John 20:29).
In God’s Kingdom, nothing is impossible. What we view as miracles, having been performed by Jesus are, simply, service to those in need. Jesus simply displayed the capabilities, associated with human beings, created to have dominion over everything on this planet (Genesis 1:26).
The misunderstanding of Genesis 1:26, is the cause of all humanity’s troubles. The meaning of having dominion over something, means having the ability to control it, not the other way round. Otherwise, it is illogical to have dominion over something and yet unable to control it.
“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father” (John 14:12) (ESV).
All the miracles that Jesus performed were to do with solving problems of humanity. Such miraculous performances were not necessarily intended to confirm that Jesus had authority over humanity. But a reflection of human capabilities, as having been created to have dominion over everything on this planet.
Confronted with the crisis of a great storm, the crew awoke Jesus to calm the sea (Matthew 8:23-27). The people were marvelled, viewing Jesus as not ordinary. But Jesus was as ordinary as any other human being. He only had capabilities to solve problems. Jesus is a model, reflecting the original capabilities of humanity.
If only they had known that Jesus revealed an ideal Man, created in God’s image, the seamen would not have been marvelled by Jesus’ ability to calm the sea. Human beings were created to have dominion over everything that God created on this planet. Calming the storm was one of those abilities.
“And they went and woke him, saying, “Save us, Lord; we are perishing.” And he said to them, “Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?” Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. And the men marvelled, saying, “What sort of man is this, that even winds and sea obey him?” (Matthew 8:25-27) (ESV).
Why did Jesus lament over their being of little faith? (Verse 26). This reveals their inability to appreciate the purpose of Jesus—according to Scriptures that they upheld as embracing their religion.
Jesus was not only their Messiah. But also a reflection of a way through which they could understand everything concerning their inherent capabilities of solving problems. See [Believing in Jesus is different from having faith in Jesus].
As expected to project qualities of human potential, Christians are expected to solve problems, just as Jesus was capable. While prayer is viewed as another way of solving problems, it is simply intended to link the person with Godly nature. As inherent with the individual concerned.
Miraculously feeding the hungry, was another way of solving people’s problems. It seems Christianity has been reduced to catering only for those on the list of the denomination concerned? This could be another sign that God’s nature is still foreign, even among Christian communities.
The only value that those members find, in associating with their respective denominations, is receiving assistance. While that cannot, necessarily, be condemned, all Christians should take responsibility on what goes on in their surrounding communities. See [Created to solve, instead of creating problems]
In the advent of computer technology, we have observed fabulous achievements, especially in communication. The Information technology now makes it possible, for information to spread at the strike of a button. This could have been regarded as extremely miraculous in times of Jesus?

The miracle of feeding thousands can be regarded as just a small miracle, when comparing it with the miracle of information technology in our time. The technological advancement is only revealing capabilities of human beings, whose full potential has remained obscure, due to suppression. See [False data stripping].
Each human being was created with respective fabulous capabilities. Unfortunately, each human being is imprisoned, either in invalidating other people, or in succumbing to being invalidated. This has remained the case, virtually, across all generations, since Adam.
This is why most of those regarded as achievers, have stories to tell—having had to contend with the sceptical public—when projecting their achievements. Such achievers are normally regarded as geniuses, after eventually achieving their goals.
Surprisingly, the opposition usually comes from those, regarded as friends and relatives. Those opposing assume being more superior than the one daring to do what identifies with their calling. Opposition results from failure to acknowledge the Creator behind the achiever. See [The greatest person the world has ever known].
It seems, each person gets preoccupied with desire to see the other person failing? The reason for this could, either be ensuring that the accolades get directed towards self, or fear of the unknown? That kind of behaviour has remained, since Adam.
When Cain killed His brother, it was because Abel had become a threat, due to Abel’s offering, as found to be acceptable to God, than that of Cain. Joseph escaped death, as his own brothers, became scared of Joseph, whose dreams pointed at becoming superior to his brothers.
For about twenty five years, David had to contend with fugitive life, as King Saul sought to terminate the young man’s life. Saul imagined David’s ascension to power being threat to his superior status of being king.
The most retrogressive phenomenon in human civilization has been war—caused by the other person, desiring to impede the goodwill of another. All this reflects self-centredness, as compared with altruism in the behaviour of humanity. See [Dimension of pride in competition].
If every human being was to occupy him/herself with the purpose for which they were created, all problems of humanity would be solved. In fact, all problems associated with humanity, as also affecting other species, would not be available. The secret lies in realizing that human beings were created to solve problems.
Corruption devastates, not only the livelihood of humanity, but also the sustenance of everything created by God, on this planet. There is not a single person created in God’s image, yet having no ability to solve problems, one way or the other.
The fascination about miracles, keeps people in the mind-set of inability to solve problems. Instead of committing oneself to solve problems, according to reasons for their existence, most people are stuck in fascination with miracles. The desperately devout Christians also wallow in prayer for God’s miracles.
Prayer is used as a tool to solicit God’s miracles, even on areas where people could improve conditions, using their God-given talents and abilities. This is not a treatise to invalidate prayer. But one to place prayer in its rightful perspective. See [How necessary is prayer in problem solving?].
For human beings, created in God’s image, it is not necessary to be fascinated by miracles. Jesus used these, just to display how potentially capable human beings can be. Prayer is necessary, in helping people get focussed towards applying own talents, according to respective purposes of their having been created. See [Created to solve, instead of creating problems].
When Jesus declared that He was the way, the truth and the life, He meant that the capabilities that He displayed, were accessible to humanity. Yet, the same humanity gets drawn to being fascinated by Jesus’ miraculous activities.
While designed to solve problems, Jesus’ activities are now reduced to the consideration of Jesus having come in this world, only for displaying His miraculous abilities. It seems the greatest deception is in valuing people according to benefits accessed at any given time.
The story would be different if everyone understood that each person was created with potential to achieve whatever he/she was created to be, as reflecting God’s image. What one is capable of doing others cannot do and vise versa.
Each created person is expected to answer the question: How can I help that or that other person to achieve his/her potential? What has been happening all along is focus on suppressing anyone considered as having the potential to surpass a person’s considered position of honour.
The problems of humanity can now be simplified by appreciating the need to change from being suppressors, into becoming helpers of other people. Simplified further, this means all human beings were created with miraculous capabilities to solve other people’s problems.
Paul revealed this mystery, as being applied in a Church environment. Each member does not need to worry about his/her in-capabilities. Each member seeks to project his/her peculiar gifts to uplift other people’s well-being.
Just as the individual body parts serve to sustain the entire anatomy. None can be regarded as better as or worse than other parts of the body. Each individual was created to serve other fellow human beings according to their needs.
In other words, if my profession is that of a builder, a doctor can be considered a miracle performer to my health needs. This is as I would lack the expertise in attending to my health challenges. But I would also be considered a miracle performer to the doctor’s housing needs. The same applies to various other functions.
There is no need to categorize people providing respective services, making one more important than the other. They are all essential for the wellbeing of humanity. A doctor needs a good house in which to sleep, while a builder needs good health services. See [What’s in a title, if not to deceive?].
In Christianity, there is no other formula, as displaying which Church could be regarded as better or as worse than others. But how best to serve those in need and not necessary only those in one’s denomination.
Good services are required by all human beings, created in God’s image. This is, simply, the datum that Jesus projected, revealing the need to pursue altruism, rather than self-centredness. See [Miracles and parables are not gospel].
The works of Jesus were not intended just to display His miraculous abilities. But serving people in their diverse needs. Nothing in this life is more important than service. When projecting the gospel, the principle of service is supposed to be practiced by all Christians.
This can only be possible when every Christians ceases to be fascinated by miracles, but by how best to serve other human beings. Seeking to serve according to the best of people’s respective abilities, projects the purpose of humanity’s existence.
This begins with the attitude, before considering what skills could be utilized to effectively serve others. Without desire to serve, according to one’s purpose of existence, the potential of the individual remains dormant.
Andrew Masuku is the author of Dimensions of a New Civilization, laying down standards for uplifting Zimbabwe from current state of economic depression into a model for other nations worldwide. A decaying tree provides an opportunity for a blossoming sprout. Written from a Christian perspective, the book is a product of inspiration, bringing reliefs to those having witnessed strings of unworkable solutions––leading to the current economic and social decay. In a simple conversational tone, most Zimbabweans should find the book as a long awaited providential oasis of hope.
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