Jesus’ teachings are not complicated. However, the trick to understanding Jesus is in appreciating and unlearning most, if not all of the previous teachings. The process of unlearning is complicated when assuming to know what is unknown. Jesus brought a simple formula, enabling grasping everything He taught. He called a…
Good and bad represent positive and negative
The material universe is sustained by two energies moving in opposite directions. The significance distinguishes life and death, being the opposites, represented in good and bad. The bad or negative, while representing death; is harmless without being in contact with good or positive material. The two forces of energy represent…
Description of true personal identity
Among three simple questions, one helps an enquirer discover the true identity of an individual: “Who are you?” “What are you?” And “why were you born?” Without asking the right question, any personality test can be deficient in vital information about a person’s identity. The curriculum vitae or resume of…
Mockery is a blessing and not a degradation
God physically blessed the Israelites, in the Promised Land in Canaan. The Israelites were expected to obey God’s statutes, given to them, through Moses. If they deviated from those laws, they would receive curses, rather than blessings. Comfort was as accessible as obeying God’s laws. The same applies to nonChristians,…
The unveiling of the plank in the eye
Survival has been the aim of humanity, ever since creation. Strangely it is by choice that humans pursue routes toward demise, rather than towards survival. Jesus said a person loses life when aiming at saving the same life and yet gains life when losing physical life for Jesus’ sake. As…
The greatness in foot-washing
One of the most effective tools of teaching is demonstration. As effective a teacher as Jesus was, everything that He taught to his disciples was summarized in foot-washing. Among the most important lessons that can be adopted from the teachings of Jesus, nothing surpasses foot-washing. Jesus instructed His disciples to…
Age and personal identity
An adult is not what he used to be when young. But those things that one used to do when young can have a bearing on a person’s behaviour, as an adult. Childish things are supposed to be forgotten about after one grows into adulthood. It would probably be a…
Characters undeserving of respect
Generally, all humans deserve respect, regardless of their racial or economic background. This includes those scrounging for food from garbage containers. Having been created in God’s image, all humans deserve the utmost respect and due consideration of their conditions. Human dignity is possible, only when catering for other people’s needs.…
God’s voice is the voice of reason
Before Jesus, there had not been anyone having uttered the voice of God, except heard through Moses and the ancient prophets. The written prophetic material is pronounced as having come directly from God. The difference between God’s voice and ordinary voices is that God’s voice is permanent, while the voices…
Was Jesus political or religious?
The definition of religion is belief in and worship of superhuman controlling power, being God or gods. Politics is the set of activities that are associated with making decisions in groups. Or other forms of power among individuals, such as the distribution of resources or status. The question we have…
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