Many political theories have been put forward in Zimbabwe. However, the answer on why we have poverty has never been effectively answered.
Poverty is of the mind, not what one is privileged to access by way of association with the so-called political gurus. While so many people blame President Mugabe, for the economic mess, I have sufficient reasons to disagree with that notion. On issues of poverty, please leave the nonagenarian president alone and carefully take note of what Jesus said in the Bible.
Jesus’ mission on Earth was obviously misunderstood by many, due to wrongly associating riches with materialism. Jesus left no tangible property on this planet. But, as compared with the richest of His time, who can show proof of wealth that matches with what Jesus has today? Wealth is only meaningful when it is long-lasting.
While in my book I dedicated a chapter on this topic, here are the snippets to tantalize those obsessed in complaining about what the politicians or other people have done. Instead of complaining, one should thing in terms of removing poverty from other people. Benefiting other people is what brings wealth. But, please fix this in your intellectual system: Poverty is of the mind.
People are categorized in groups like low-income earners, middle-income earners and the very rich. The low-income earners are said to be the least-privileged, but not when appreciating the analysis being given here below.
Even when taken globally, people are categorized in the following three behaviors:
• Spenders: In our societies, these are generally associated with poverty. You may give millions to such people. They will spend everything within a short period and then come back to blame anyone, when finding themselves back into the state of poverty. They are obsessed in thinking about how other people view them. They seek to impress all the time. They want to be seen driving posh cars and living in comfortable suburbs. Because wants are insatiable, these people can hardly be satisfied.

Some people say our country was rich in 1980. It was not; as long as we had people with the mind-set engrossed in spending. Examples abound in most people’s minds, having witnessed the demonstrable effects, showing that greed leads to the opposite of what is intended.
• Savers: These people are careful with saving their money. They know how to prudently use the little they have. You may want to categorize these as being among the rich but not the wealthy of this world. They are somewhere in the middle. Unfortunately, such people are also associated with meanness. People see these people as stingy and unwilling to share, because they think in terms of saving and therefore sharing is uncommon with them. They are hard-working for most of their lives, but never really enjoying the benefits of such hard work—being careful not to spend too much, anyway.
• The investors: These are the wealthy people. They either invest money, time or anything that benefits other people, more than just thinking about themselves. True Entrepreneurs, associated with wealth, think in terms of adding value on other people. In Arts you have the likes of William Shakespeare, Lernado da Vinci, and others. In Foot-ball you have the likes of Cristiano Ronaldo and other legendaries in other sporting activities. In politics you have the likes of Mahatma Gandhi and Mandela.
One can stretch the list to other areas like Music, philosophy, inventions, technology, etc. But top on the list of investors is Jesus Christ. These people are not obsessed in worries about what bothers the spenders and savers, being categories mentioned earlier. At the point of their death the investors ask and seek to answer this question: “In all my toiling on this planet were most people glad that I lived?” Yet the other two categories mentioned earlier, ask and seek to answer this question: “In all my toiling on this planet was I ever happy that I lived?”
If I have provoked anyone’s intellect by what is said here, please feel free to engage with me by submitting this form. Alternatively, you can purchase my newly published book: Dimensions of a New Civilization, through the links provided, including lulu.
Andrew Masuku is the author of the recently published book, Dimensions of a New Civilization, which lays down standards for uplifting Zimbabwe from the current state of economic depression, into becoming a model to other countries worldwide. A decaying tree provides an opportunity for a blossoming sprout. Written from a Christian perspective, the book is a product of inspiration, bringing reliefs, to those having witnessed the strings of unworkable solutions––leading to the current economic and social instability. In a simple conversational tone, most Zimbabwean readers will find the book to be a long-awaited providential oasis of hope.
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