The structure depends on the fundamentals.

One of humanity’s greatest oversights is ignoring the fundamentals that sustain the universe. Young children are often encouraged to discuss their future aspirations without addressing the most important question: who they currently are. This suggests contemplating their current existence, without wasting time thinking about what they might become in an uncertain future. If the correct question regarding one’s identity is addressed at the outset, all problems of humanity could be solved, even by children.

To be human implies the ability to solve problems. All humans, whether educated or uneducated, can address issues. The problem arises with the impediments introduced by parents as soon as the child starts to discover their identity. The child is not allowed to be themselves but must adopt what is enforced upon them. Jesus established the fundamentals of the significance of childhood. At age twelve, His parents attempted to control Him by enforcing the traditions that encapsulated the family. They could not contain Him, as He insisted on being about His Father’s business (Luke 2:42-49).

Jesus represents the standard of humanity. He stated that he is the way, the truth, and the life. To pursue a normal life, one does well to use Jesus as a standard. Children need to be allowed to be themselves, rather than having unnecessary authority assumed over them. Parental guidance might be necessary before the child reaches the stage of maturity, in order to observe problems that need solving. Erring parents are those who persist in making decisions on behalf of their children, even when they have reached adulthood. There should be boundaries when dealing with children, adhering to the principle of treating others as wishing to be treated.

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From an external perspective, the ZANU PF government has persisted for approximately forty-five years, with its future appearing sustainable. Notably, the party members are not permitted to exercise their individuality. The Chitepo School of Ideology is intended to keep them psychologically attached to the war of liberation. While this may sound noble, it deprives the younger members of their ability to be themselves. Unfortunately, those supervising the politically crafted destiny for these youngsters will not be present in the future due to ageing. Without critically evaluating such past activities, whether having produced any quantifiable value, the entire society could be weakened.

If the data provided by the Chitepo School of Ideology is preserved, future generations remain trapped in the past. Modern developments will be viewed as threats. To outsiders, the prevailing situation appears insane, but those immersed in that aberration will see it as progressive. This phenomenon manifests in countries like North Korea. To the citizens of that country, freedom is perceived as protection under an authoritarian leader. Even in what is considered modern civilizations, some individuals are not allowed to think independently. Such people cannot be freed by any other means, except through miraculous enlightenment.

North Korea is used here just to illustrate the source of the world’s problems, due to a faulty foundation. Multiple corporate organizations, including Christian denominations, are similarly held captive, to varying degrees. Security is maintained by trusting the leader at the top. Attempting to penetrate that enclave is typically unachievable, except by God’s intervention. Such individuals would be so frightened that they cannot entertain thoughts assumed critical of their structural leaders. Such individuals cannot be persuaded by reason. To them, being subservient to the leader is considered ordained by God.

The indoctrinated youth are sustained on a flawed foundation, presumed to be the basis of their culture. Such revered cultural norms may have served well in the past but, would be redundant in modern times. The structure could endure even without principles to sustain its existence. In most cases, culture is deemed the most suitable foundation for humanity. While it is true that culture shapes human behaviour in society, the problem is that culture can become detrimental to progressive survival. For instance, as observed in certain white-garment apostolic sects, the group may engage in malevolent practices such as sexual abuse. Such behaviour may be commonly accepted as normal within such structural groupings.

The source of problems in nations known to be hostile to each other is rooted in cultural traditions. Each nation seeks to preserve its cultural heritage, thereby perceiving those with different cultures as a threat. The Japanese are content to be Japanese without desiring infiltration from other cultures. The same applies to the Russians, Chinese, English, Indians, and various other ethnic groups. It is only in Africa where indigenous cultures have been eroded, leading to the random adoption of other cultures without maintaining Africanism.

Some may interpret this as a sign of African weakness. However, aside from the failure to take responsibility, Africans could have an advantage over other races. It takes a free person to adopt other cultures when considering survival advantages. When properly utilizing intellectual resources, many African problems could be addressed by adopting the best cultural traditions from other races. However, this approach changes when such adoption is done without a comparative evaluation against one’s own culture. This is where responsibility becomes crucial.

God never created useless humans to inhabit this world. However, humans encounter serious problems when neglecting an aspect of humanity known as “Ubuntu.” The loss of “Ubuntu” has been the primary issue with many of our African brothers. Some have erroneously attributed the problem to skin colour, but that is far from the truth. The only problem has been the loss of our dignity, “Ubuntu.” Otherwise, skin colour carries no significance. What was created in God’s image cannot be identified by skin colour. The root cause of losing dignity (Ubuntu) is corruption. Other nations are also corrupt, but Africans, especially leaders, have been known to be more corrupt than other races.

The concept of “Ubuntu” cannot be identified by skin colour or culture. It is an inherent quality attributed to what was created in God’s image. We can explore the reasons that have led to the perception of Africans being more corrupt than other races. In my independent analysis, I found the cause of this issue to be two-fold. The first is envy rooted in greed, where many of our African brothers view success as accumulating wealth. Other races also encourage wealth accumulation, assuming their race to be superior. Desiring comfort, many of the talented African brothers are exploited by these so-called superior races. Being exploited is not inherently problematic, as it aligns with Christianity, but losing one’s dignity is.

Regarding the second aspect, my analysis revealed beyond a reasonable doubt that the former colonialists deliberately facilitated the rise of corrupt leaders to power. In Zimbabwe, tribalism resonated with the uneducated African populace before independence. However, tribalism was manipulated by the British government, aware of Mugabe’s cunningness and corruption. In my view, Ian Smith did not serve British interests solely because his government was too ethical. They preferred a corrupt black leader instead—to exploit free mineral wealth. Understanding Zimbabwe’s tribal demographics, they considered ZANU PF the most suitable. Nkomo did not foresee this. The majority of Zimbabweans were deceived into believing that Nkomo sponsored dissidents.

Regrettably, the uneducated black populace became engrossed in tribal identities, deeming them significant. While the unenlightened celebrated the British-facilitated independence in 1980, the enlightened recognized the deception. Regarding the Gukurahundi, although most people blame Mugabe, the actual culprit was the British. Firstly, the British would benefit immensely from a corrupt Mugabe. Secondly, the gullible blacks would eventually believe that white governance is superior to black governance. Only an infinitesimal African population observed the British subterfuge. The rest, just as today, still believe that whites are better governors than blacks. However, the truth lies in the British facilitation of a corrupt black leader.

Another notable aspect of the promoted propaganda is that the opposition in Zimbabwe is purportedly sponsored by the West. Even the so-called intellectuals are misled into believing this, with sanctions being identified as the root cause of our problems. However, the older generation knows very well that Smith’s regime was not as brutal as the current one. But why does this regime not attract sanctions as severe as those imposed on Smith’s? Not to mention the Gukurahundi debacle, where the British were tasked with monitoring the ceasefire. Why was Mugabe knighted during Gukurahundi, even when his regime killed more people than those killed by Ian Smith during the war?

The unknown truth, except for a few, is that the British government is not interested in promoting ethical governance in Zimbabwe. My concern is that individuals like Chamisa may be misled into believing that the West supports them. Unbeknownst to many, the West would facilitate good governance in poor African countries, but not in resource-rich nations like Zimbabwe and the DRC. The moment ethical leaders take over, as in Botswana, it would mark the end of British influence. This truth is likely known by very few people. The majority of Zimbabweans continue to believe the propaganda that our allies are those from the Eastern bloc. An honest person cannot fail to see such deceit.

This brings us to the essence of our problems in Zimbabwe. Unable to grasp the fundamental aspect of our humanity, we continue to be exploited by China and other nations. Our gold, nickel, diamonds, and other precious minerals are looted by those disguised as investors. Blaming one person, in this case, the leader does not suffice. What is particularly disheartening is hearing those embellishing their Christian identities, declaring that such problems have nothing to do with them. Meanwhile, people die unable to access medical care, and everyone is reduced to becoming Makorokoza. Whoever convinced Christians to believe that God called them to simply wait for God’s Kingdom, must be a genius.

“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavour, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lamp stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:13-16 NKJV).

The outlined Scripture does not suggest engaging in holidays for those called to Christianity. Such individuals carry the designation of leadership. One cannot be a light and fail to make a difference in a degraded environment. The most significant portion of that Scripture is where Jesus declared, “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavour, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.” This suggests a person who fails to utilize the Holy Spirit, as expected to make a difference, but does nothing instead. Such a person is precariously reserved for the lake of fire, unlike the unbelievers with whom the person shares the deception.

The observable aspect of deception in the realm of corruption is evident, where the majority cannot distinguish between mineral resources and themselves. Due to endemic corruption, Zimbabwe is now known for individuals who have gained value based on their corruptly acquired wealth. The trend is that the most respected people are those with money. Poor individuals are not regarded as deserving of respect but are treated as subhuman. The quality of “Ubuntu” is no longer found in most people, especially among the black population of the African continent. There are even stories of some individuals willing to sell their babies, as long as they are promised money. To them, driving expensive cars is what defines their “Ubuntu.”

Each person, regardless of their background, is as valuable as Jesus, who sacrificed His life for them. Jesus did not die for mineral resources but for the soul of each individual. What betrays such a person is the inability to recognize “Ubuntu” within themselves. As mentioned earlier, each person, regardless of age or circumstance, is as valuable as being aware of being created in God’s image. The entire purpose of such a person is to make a difference in other people’s lives. This has little to do with the clothes they wear or the car they drive. The foundation of each person observed in this world is Jesus Christ. The title of whatever post is held, whether in church or at workplaces, has little to do with that person’s “Ubuntu.”

Andrew Masuku is the author of Dimensions of a New Civilization, laying down standards for uplifting Zimbabwe from the current state of economic depression into a model for other nations worldwide. A decaying tree provides an opportunity for a blossoming sprout. Written from a Christian perspective, the book is a product of inspiration, bringing relief to those having witnessed the strings of unworkable solutions––leading to the current economic and social decay. Most Zimbabweans should find the book as a long-awaited providential oasis of hope, in a simple conversational tone.

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