The Power of the mind

The only weapon granted to humanity is the mind. All species on Earth are characterized by unique defence mechanisms that enable their limited survival. Their survival is governed by the natural laws of the planet, focused on sustaining the Earth. No species was designed to survive eternally; as such a scenario would make the planet unsustainable. The fascinating cycles of survival among species create a spectacle that showcases the planet’s inherent beauty. The laws that govern the ecosystem are unchangeable.

The roaring lion in the jungle may terrify its prey, but the lion’s death is also inevitable and ultimately leads to its consumption by vultures. The graceful gazelles grazing in the beautiful meadowlands exist to sustain carnivores, whose role is to regulate the population of herbivores. This balance is essential for the maintenance and sustainability of our finite planet, Earth. The ecosystem requires this equilibrium for the planet to thrive. In the animal kingdom, every species has a purpose, contributing to the necessary balance for survival.

Humanity is confronted with a critical question concerning its existence: Should humans be part of balancing the ecosystem? If so, how can humans regulate their activities to fulfil their role on Earth? Without effectively addressing this question, humanity will continue to disrupt the necessary equilibrium for the planet’s sustainability. Every animal species has its defence mechanisms, but these are not foolproof, as absolute protection makes it impossible to regulate the Earth’s renewal. We have to consider the idea of exploring the optimal protective mechanism for imperfect humanity.

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Without utilizing the mind, humans are most vulnerable on the planet, incapable of protecting themselves, even from creatures as small as rats. However, by harnessing the power of the mind, humans have demonstrated the ability to control everything on the planet. Jesus pronounced that with faith as small as a mustard seed, nothing is impossible for humanity. This utterance stems from the notion that humanity was created in God’s image, embodying characteristics of perfection. None of the human physical aspects require more attention than the mind.

The propellant of faith among humans is the mind. The effective use of the mind grants the ability to be consciously aware that nothing is impossible for humanity. The greatest inventors are characterized by their refusal to be defeated by anything physical. The mind is above all physical material, while physical material is unaware of the existence of the mind. Everything starts with the awareness of the origin of the person concerned. Any study that links us to the purpose of human creation among the finite species of the universe is vital. The study of the mind’s faculties surpasses all other pursuits.

“Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness. And you know that He was manifested to take away our sins, and in Him there is no sin” (1 John 3:4-5 NKJV).

The violation of God’s laws is comparable to reversing the negative and positive charges on an electric current. Failure to adhere to basic rules that govern this universe can result in accidents, such as electrocution. Conversely, brute animals cannot be blamed for violating any universal law, except for living according to their inherent patterns. The characterization of this world being sinful absolves all other species, except humans, whose minds were corrupted from the beginning. Addressing problems concerning insanity is therefore most essential.

Where should humans go, to extract the perfect model of sanity? Psychology is considered the most authoritative field of study, on the subject of the mind. The study discipline engages in analytical scrutiny of the mind, yet struggles to address the essence of mental stability. “Let them alone. They are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind leads the blind, both will fall into a ditch” (Matthew 15:14 NKJV). The ever-increasing problems of insanity have ceased to concern most people, assuming nothing can be done about such abnormalities. This is one way of describing a world mired in seemingly inextricable confusion.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil. For everyone practising evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God” (John 3:16-21 NKJV).

The aforementioned passage eliminates justification for a rational individual to remain in confusion when clarity has been offered. Adopting a methodical approach, which can be scientifically validated, rests on the truth that precision is paramount. The passage indicates the sole distinguishing Scripture that identifies the cause of failure: “Men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil. For everyone practising evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed.” Nothing else remains regarding the diagnosis of humanity’s problems, except the reason extrapolated from the above passage. It is unnecessary to engage in further scientific studies on the subject of the mind.

Since the appearance of Jesus, there has been no formidable opposition to His authoritative assertion concerning the mind. Darkness symbolizes confusion, which has plagued humanity since Adam and Eve. There is no solace in confusion, except for criminals, taking advantage of it, to appear innocent. Without spiritual discernment, it is impossible to distinguish the guilty from the innocent due to confusion. We live in a world where the innocent are prosecuted instead of the guilty. The insanity associated with criminality, causes the guilty to feel innocent, mystifying the simplicity, concerning matters of right and wrong.

Common sense dictates that when lost in a maze, one requires a guide to navigate from confusion to safety. Unlike animal species, all humans are guilty of committing sinful acts. This implies neglecting the use of reason and mimicking the behaviour of animal species without actually resembling them. When Cain decided to kill his brother, he did not consider the consequences, focusing solely on his immediate gratification. He may have experienced temporary relief after the act, but the lingering consequences would bring misery upon himself. The law of cause and effect suggests that one reaps what one sows.

To understand the failure to recognize Jesus as the sole authority on matters of survival requires humility. In a state of confusion, many people assume knowledge they do not possess. Instead of being open to divine communication, they adopt a stance of being informed and intentionally block progressive information. Physical structures are mistakenly given credence, despite their finite longevity. Evaluations are based on appearances rather than realities.

The challenges faced by the African continent are often attributed to African leaders’ tendency to adopt a victim mentality, where taking responsibility is deemed unwise. The former colonial powers are consistently blamed for Africa’s persistent issues. Those elected to implement developmental programs, seem to propagate the notion that the former colonial masters are greater sinners than the Africans themselves. However, it appears that our leaders appreciate being idolized while in power. This stems from the African tradition that suggests those in authority should never be denigrated, as a form of respect.

Humans were created in God’s image, implying that nothing physical—whether human or material—should be deemed beyond one’s capability to manage. While a lion may intimidate other animal species, it should not be considered intimidating to humans due to humanity’s unique capacity for reasoning. Each time Jesus performed what humans considered miraculous; it highlighted human fallibility. In truth, humans should recognize that nothing is impossible when we harness our reasoning abilities.

Nothing suggests idolizing Jesus for His ability to perform miracles, except for the awareness of the reasoning capacity inherent in humans. Just as there are things I can do that others may not be able to do, there are also many things that others can accomplish that I cannot. This reality applies to every person, regardless of race or gender, and becomes clear when using the mind effectively. There are two main reasons why humans might suppress their ability to reason.

The first is a fear of the unknown, and the second is a desire to receive without giving anything in return, often stemming from a wish to avoid pain. The fear of the unknown arises when someone observes another person’s abilities and mistakenly assumes they are inferior to such a person. When someone achieves what seems impossible, they may be regarded as deserving of worship by those unaware of their own inherent reasoning capacity. This fear only affects those struggling to utilize their reasoning skills.

The born-again Christians possess the ability to perceive what those yet-to-be born-again cannot. Fear of the unknown and the desire to receive without giving anything in return, inhibit those not yet born again. The law of exchange is understood clearly, only by the born-again Christians. The mind is abstract and spiritual. When the inventors of the cell phone proposed the idea, they may have been denounced as insane. There are two main reasons for denouncing another person’s idea. The first is invalidating them, based on educational capacity or physiological appearance. The second is fear of change and the unknown, which leads to rejection and criticism, even when there would be a potential for significant advancements.

The fear of the unknown, suggesting changes, is what portrays the second phenomenon. Academic profiles are highly esteemed, in today’s societies, which is why Jesus was denounced by His own people for that specific reason. Jesus utilized His intellect to perform what those around Him considered miraculous. However, those people suppressed their own abilities due to fear of the unknown and a desire to receive without giving anything in return. Women, in particular, are the worst victims of psychological invalidation. Many things are approved based on masculinity or educational profile, without applying the reasoning capacity.

One of the Ten Commandments warns against coveting another person’s achievements (Exodus 20:17 and Deuteronomy 5:21). Those who covet may not show it outwardly; they might pretend to celebrate another’s success while feeling grieved inwardly. The sin of coveting stems from a failure to recognize the mind’s power, as projected in the envious person. The individual who observes someone who would have achieved success might feel consumed by fear, as there is a belief that those displaying certain abilities deserve admiration. This often causes the envious individual to feel threatened, assuming that the achiever is superior and therefore deserving of being idolized.

“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it” (John 14:12-14 NKJV).

However, one need not aspire to achieve greater feats than those performed by Jesus, or any other person. Every individual has the potential to fulfil the purpose for which they were created. Jesus demonstrated how one can remain focused on their calling, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges. A born-again Christian, recognizing their identity as God’s child utilizes their mind to engage in God’s work, intended for them. This illustrates the nature of faith, measured by their attainable conviction. For instance, I cannot claim to possess Cristiano Ronaldo’s abilities and expect to eventually reach that standard by training hard.

The human mind is a unique weapon, distinguishing us from other animal species. Life becomes exciting when one engages their mind in pursuing their true purpose. Motivational speakers often claim to guide individuals by encouraging them to emulate those deemed successful achievers. However, merely imitating others can lead one away from their unique purpose as intended by their creator. Each person should assess their own abilities and utilize their mental power. While the contents of one’s mind may remain unknown to others, it is by responding to God’s calling, enabling individuals to follow their respective true paths.

Humans commonly exhibit the problem of envy, while other species instinctively adhere to their inherent nature. Pride is a catalyst for desiring to outsmart others, unaware of their potential divine capabilities. The greatest gifts, arguably, include helping others reach their potential. Envying others, or wishing for a better gift, can manifest folly, as a tortoise cannot be a rabbit or any other creature. While animal species are driven by instinct, humans ought to be driven by the power of the mind to achieve optimum potential.

God does not consider spending most of one’s time admiring others without taking action themselves, to be productive. Nevertheless, admiring others and contributing to their success can be a valuable skill, when helping such admired people to excel. Essentially, each individual is created to add value to others rather than just to themselves. Utilizing one’s mind is considered worthwhile when enhancing the well-being of others rather than limiting it to serving oneself.

Andrew Masuku is the author of Dimensions of a New Civilization, laying down standards for uplifting Zimbabwe from the current state of economic depression into a model for other nations worldwide. A decaying tree provides an opportunity for a blossoming sprout. Written from a Christian perspective, the book is a product of inspiration, bringing relief to those having witnessed the strings of unworkable solutions––leading to the current economic and social decay. Most Zimbabweans should find the book as a long-awaited providential oasis of hope, in a simple conversational tone.

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