A person is happier when embracing life’s struggles for true happiness. Life is a complex tapestry of joy and sorrow, sweetness and bitterness. The path to true happiness is often paved with struggles and challenges, making the journey as important as the destination. This article explores the paradoxical relationship between bitterness and sweetness, the narrow path to salvation, and the transformative power of selflessness in achieving lasting fulfilment.
The complexities of life render it impossible to achieve true happiness without enduring struggles. Just as honey cannot be harvested without risking bee stings, happiness cannot be attained without facing life’s challenges. Those who have experienced bitterness are often the ones who appreciate and embody true happiness. This paradox makes life both intriguing and marvelous, yet undeniably difficult.
“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it” (Matthew 7:13-14 NKJV).
Jesus’ teaching underscores this truth: the life path is narrow and difficult, while the broad way leads to destruction. The majority are drawn to the ease of the wide gate, but only a few find the narrow gate that leads to true life. This reflects the reality that meaningful achievements often require sacrifice and perseverance.
The experience of physical pain hinders our access to the happiness we need. The physical body struggles with life’s difficulties. Jesus affirmed the intriguing reality that life should be regarded as inaccessible without experiencing difficulties. The fact that only a few manage to access it does not necessarily mean that the majority do not desire life. It is the attraction of easy handling of issues that deters people from attaining life. This is what makes God’s Kingdom inaccessible without the services of Jesus.
The only assurance of achieving salvation is by trusting Jesus alone and disregarding worldly trials and tribulations. The journey of faith is not enviable but unparalleled to anything else. The only way through is through the experiences of bitterness. The gospel is an unsellable product but as genuine as life itself. Why was it necessary for Jesus to endure the cross? Paving the way for humanity to understand and follow was the sole reason for Jesus’ submission to that experience.
The only path that leads to life, which many people diligently seek, is the narrow gate, although it is often overlooked by many. Every person desires life, yet hesitates to pursue the narrow path leading to it. While there is happiness in life, most people prefer sacrificing the life path to experience fleeting moments of happiness before dying. The truth is that every person, regardless of their mood, faces death, rendering the temporary happiness of this world unrealistic.
The average human lifespan is approximately seventy years. Upon reaching this milestone, individuals often reflect on the meaningfulness of their lives. Two fundamental questions determine a person’s worth, whether significant or insignificant. A person who has achieved true happiness asks, “Throughout my efforts on this planet, can most people genuinely say they are glad I lived?” A positive response to this question affirms the individual’s assurance of eternal happiness. Nothing else discloses a benchmark to guarantee eternity.
Nevertheless, another question arises, revealing those appearing happy when the opposite is true: “Throughout my efforts on this planet, was I ever truly happy?” An affirmative answer reveals an individual enjoying borrowed happiness, yet poised for ultimate bitterness. As Jesus confirmed, such a person is as transient as those pursuing kaleidoscopic fantasies in this life. The individual’s joy is soon forgotten after death, as no one benefits from their existence except for their allure of deception. These assertions can be summarised thus:
- “Can most people genuinely say they are glad I lived?” A positive answer affirms a life of purpose and eternal significance.
- “Was I ever truly happy?” An affirmative answer reveals a life of borrowed happiness, destined for ultimate bitterness.
The struggle for survival necessitates enduring pain, which is a prerequisite for achieving happiness. It is impossible to avoid pain and suffering when aiming for true happiness; avoiding them implies rejecting life. The purpose of Jesus was not to suffer on our behalf but to show us the path to happiness. We exist in physical bodies that resent pain and suffering. However, the ultimate end of such bodies is the grave, followed by decomposition.
This world portrays individuals who frequently derive happiness from the subjugation of others. In the physical universe, nothing is as satisfying as being idolized. For instance, those maintaining racism do so because of their desire to preserve the perception of white supremacy. This can only be reversed by a willingness to confront, which invites discomfort. At the root of those unwilling to confront is hidden pride (John 3:20).
The question of whether others have benefitted from such an individual does not apply. Such individuals perish in their ego, believing themselves to be superior to those they disdain. The story of Lazarus and the Rich Man succinctly illustrates the folly of despising fellow humans based on presumed privileges, or lack thereof. The issue of racism is used here solely for illustrative purposes. Otherwise, people are divided by many factors due to their inability to confront their actions’ negative impacts on others.
Achieving happiness based on equality is considered unattainable by proud individuals. The dynamics of humanity allow for differences in perspectives and intellectual capabilities. Being perceived as superior to others constitutes a condition of happiness that is sustained by pride. Hence, happiness and pleasure sustained in that manner constitute the root of all evil. There would be no doubt that any perceived happiness that a person envisions is maintained by keeping others in subjugation.
It may surprise many that this world harbours individuals who spend most of their lives wishing misfortune upon others. Even within the same household, feelings of jealousy can arise when one sibling achieves success in a particular field of expertise. They desire misfortune to befall their successful sibling but aim to be their saviour in the end. Show me an individual who loves being adulated for doing good things, and I will show you an introverted person. This describes deriving happiness from being praised by others.
Regular attendance at church, praying, or reading the Bible daily; should not be regarded as principles that enable one to be altruistic. The altruistic condition is not characterized by seclusion or religiosity, but by positively answering the question: “Through my efforts on this planet, can most people genuinely say they are glad I live?” The happiness of others is not derived from ostentation but from the principle of unreciprocated love. Unfortunately, introverted individuals are often the most unhappy when good tidings are accessible to others.
They may feel great, as long as they are credited for the goodness in their surroundings. However, true greatness lies in selflessness—loving others even when there is reason to hate. Nelson Mandela’s life exemplifies this principle. Despite enduring 27 years of imprisonment, he chose forgiveness and reconciliation, introducing lasting peace to South Africa. His legacy is a testament to the power of selflessness in achieving true happiness.
A thorough analysis of the world’s conditions reveals that humanity’s curse is the pursuit of being number one. Jesus emphasized that the first shall be last and the last shall be first (Matthew 20:16), aware of this curse’s existence. As innocent as the ambition to be on top may seem, it remains the root cause of all troubles. Striving to be number one is celebrated, but it implies that others must be subdued for one to achieve the coveted top spot. This contrasts with someone whose effort is to elevate the oppressed to reach their potential. It is those who seek to facilitate the elevation of others that make a difference.
The ideal state of humanity is one in which none is greater than another. The violation of this principle results in suffering among humans, who are created in God’s image. The purpose of survival is not to be perceived as superior to others, but to assist others in discovering their potential to become better individuals. Just as puppies do not have their eyes opened simultaneously, humans’ spiritual eyes are also opened at different intervals. The ability to have one’s eyes opened before others does not indicate superiority; it merely enables one to lead the way until others can also see.
Standing up for the truth often leads to an uncomfortable lifestyle, but it aligns with Christian principles that promise eternal rewards. An ideal person is defined by their ability to confront issues causing suffering to humanity, even in the face of astringent opposition. Though ridiculed by the world, such individuals possess the tenacity that keeps them attached to true happiness. Those who exploit the disadvantaged, squander their own chances of attaining the true sweetness that comes with total freedom.
Every individual desires survival, yet often lacks a clear understanding of how to achieve it. Jesus paved the way to general happiness for those adhering to His teachings, as the light of the world. Being a blessing to the disadvantaged is unparalleled by anything else in this world. The term “love” is truly applicable when it involves suffering on behalf of oppressed people. This is different from pursuing happiness through the oppression of other fellow humans. Each person was born to be the keeper of their own brothers, embraced in the entire humanity, regardless of racial origin.
The journey to true happiness is fraught with challenges, but it is also filled with opportunities for growth and transformation. By embracing life’s struggles, rejecting the illusion of worldly happiness, and committing to selflessness, we can find the sweetness that lies beyond bitterness. As Jesus taught, the narrow path is difficult, but it is the only way to eternal life and lasting fulfilment.
Andrew Masuku is the author of Dimensions of a New Civilization, laying down standards for uplifting Zimbabwe from the current state of economic depression into a model for other nations worldwide. A decaying tree provides an opportunity for a blossoming sprout. Written from a Christian perspective, the book is a product of inspiration, bringing relief to those having witnessed the strings of unworkable solutions––leading to the current economic and social decay. Most Zimbabweans should find the book as a long-awaited providential oasis of hope, in a simple conversational tone.
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