It can only be a condition of mental illness that causes old-timers to assume being indispensable. The analysis of this phenomenon is necessary for those affected by the paradigm shift syndrome when devising better methods of handling financial resources. While old-timers sit in the comfort of nostalgia, the unhealthy newcomers carry a tendency to give them undue idolization.
Nothing is as important as categorizing mental conditions, for purposes of handling resources, to improve livelihoods. The first category is a despotic condition, described as psychotic, for lack of a better term. This refers to those who sit in the past and cannot be in the present time.
Psychologically, the condition of psychosis is a severe mental disorder, that causes havoc on humanity. Sometimes psychosis can be caused by physical damage to the brain, marked by a deranged personality, with distorted reality.
Such people include those in the comfort of past achievements, or past misfortunes. The psychotics feel that their past experiences make them better than those having not gone through similar experiences. They obtain favours from their admirers, also susceptible to being psychotic, like them.
They love talking about how good they fared at school or college, compared to others. Or, it could be how their well-to-do parents managed to send them to prestigious schools or colleges. That is even though they would be no longer associated with upper-class positions.
Zimbabweans are familiar with how our liberation fighters have overrated themselves, having participated in the liberation struggle. For most of the ex-combatants, it is impossible to remove them from the experiences of the bush war of the seventies. The only cause of the degraded condition of our country is the idolization of the heroic performances of the liberation fighters.
This is basically what has sustained the psychotic condition of our country. The possible current achievements, no matter how workable, have no relevance to the psychotics. What could be regarded as relevant to the year 2022 and beyond, cannot be considered relevant to the psychotics. This phenomenon cuts across all sectors of humanity, including Christian Churches.
For instance, one cannot denigrate Church elders like Pastor Guti and be forgiven by the ordinary laity. Biblical facts are not even considered relevant when compared to idolized personalities. Denominational leaders are honoured similarly to how Jesus ought to be honoured.

Achievements of the past are regarded as more important than the present and the future. It is impossible to win an argument when debating with psychotics, over matters of development. In the field of academics, Professors are given positions of honour, even without anything to show, for improving humanity’s livelihoods.
Those Professors proudly carry titles of scholastic achievements, making them more honourable than those in their communities. Although educated up to such levels, such Professors would be unaware of suffering from psychotic disorders.
The current technological advancements were largely achieved by school dropouts. Bill Gates, although successful, is not regarded as worth receiving, or even holding an honorary doctorate. Yet his achievements in Microsoft engineering cannot be matched with anything coming from renowned scholars. It can only be a condition of psychosis that invalidates achievers like Bill Gates.
There can be as many examples of psychotic personalities with clearly documented mental disorders, causing this world to be unlivable. Irrelevant achievements are adopted for purposes of massaging the ego and prestige, more than value addition. Most Scholars spend years, pursuing studies that carry no relevance, except prestige and honour from naïve humanity.
Theological Scholars can be included among those having engaged in useless study programs. Traditional Founders of religious sects with massive followers behind them are commonly not renowned scholars. Jesus also exposed those focusing on Bible studies, assumed as necessary for religiosity:
“You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life. I do not accept praise from men, but I know you. I know that you do not have the love of God in your hearts. I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him. How can you believe if you accept praise from one another, yet make no effort to obtain the praise that comes from the only God?” (John 5:39-44 NIV).
Jesus was exposing the psychotics. He effectively healed various other illnesses, but there is no record of Him healing the psychotics. Among the established societies, it is not easy to deal with psychotic personalities. Psychosis is a mental condition whose recovery is impossible without God’s intervention.
After forty-two years of Zimbabwean independence, the majority of our beloved ex-combatants remain unhealed from psychotic conditions. But the same people are viewed as normal by ordinary people. The second mental condition, also adopted as a matter of convenience, is neurosis.
This describes a pathological disorder, less severe than psychosis, but marked by anxiety or fear. The affected people are easily under the subjugation of psychotics. Their abnormal anxiety causes them to crave security. Due to their excessive need for security, the neurotics are in the habit of wealth accumulation.
These people believe that wealth is more important than dignity. They are found with lots of money whose accumulation cannot be explained. The extremely corrupt people, in their activities, can be classified in the neurotic category.
Unlike psychotics, neurotic people are not necessarily obsessed in the past, except as being manipulated by psychotics. They live in fear; hence they can easily be manipulated by the psychotics. They normalize the behaviour of the psychotics just for purposes of personal benefits. They never sit down to contemplate the future, although aware of being in the present time.
As a typical example, neurotics can be captured among those frequently talking about ‘January disease.’ To them, spending is more important than saving for the purpose of the future. The expression of the term ‘January disease’ applies to those having squandered their bonus earnings on Christmas binges. Normal people would have budgeted for their children’s School fees, for instance. The neurotics and psychotics do not think about tomorrow.
During the ill-planned government’s indigenization program the neurotics received huge sums of money, through patronage, pretending to engage in business projects. However, they used such finances to buy luxuriously expensive vehicles, but without investing anything in purported business projects. These people derive their security from psychotics who, in turn, invest in their fear.
To them, receiving cash, even without working for it, is a blessing, granting them the feeling of being cleverer than their peers. Both the psychotics and the neurotics are compatible with each other. This is where the psychotics draw patronage from the neurotics, who are treated as foot-soldiers by the psychotics.
The current composition of the armed forces, in general, is comprised of neurotic young people. The psychotics may have naturally noticed the stupid behaviour of the neurotics. However, it is generally impossible for the neurotics to notice the stupid behaviour of the psychotics, whose behaviour they view as justified.
The common rant about sanctions said to be affecting us, is saleable to the neurotics, whose fearful condition leaves them susceptible to paranoia. Falsehood and propaganda are commonly applied by psychotics to draw support from the neurotics. To muster support from the neurotics, the psychotics use anything resembling a threat to the survival of the neurotics.
Western sanctions are made to appear more threatening than they really would be. The coexistence between psychotics and neurotics can be prescribed in their unhealthy mental condition. The third mental condition of humanity is normal. However, those surviving in normal conditions may also succumb to being victim to those of the above two mental conditions.
It is commonly possible for normal people to degenerate into either neurotic or psychotic conditions. This solely depends on the proximity of either the neurotic or the psychotic personalities. As human beings, we live to influence one another, in one way or the other. The unaffected normal people, in this world, can make a positive difference.
When not equipped with the information in this presentation, any normal person is susceptible to succumbing to either of the two mental conditions. The normal condition describes those in the present time but focused on the future. Normal people are in the present time, but aware of future developments.
Normal people are the ones representing the future survival of humanity. Anything positive in current civilization is owed to normal people. We are where we are today, in terms of advancement in communication and standard of living, because of normal people. Without normal people, this world is doomed.
Normal people are not stuck in past successes or failures. Their present circumstances are used to craft future conditions of survival. They condition themselves to what is workable today, in preparation for a better future. They are known to sacrifice a great deal, for the betterment of the world tomorrow.
Christianity is primarily meant to be concerned about the future world, rather than what happens today. However, in its deceptive condition, Christianity has caused many people to take comfort in psychosis, without being aware.
“Now to you who believe, this stone is precious. But to those who do not believe, ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone,’ and, ‘A stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall.’ They stumble because they disobey the message—which is also what they were destined for. But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light” (1 Peter 2:7-9 NIV).
Peter was highlighting the value of God’s people. Those people are valuable because they focus on the future, rather than present living conditions. Normal people can be found among poor people. But they can also be found among those considered wealthy.
Normal people make a great deal of difference in preparing for a better future for humanity. God’s word is not difficult to sell to normal people, who are constantly seeking to make a difference in people’s living conditions. God’s word is easily saleable to normal people.
However, some of them may be found not willing to be associated with Christianity, due to Christianity’s degraded condition. This is what makes it difficult to identify God’s people. Jesus indicated that at his second coming some people would be surprised when offered the privilege of being part of God’s Kingdom.
I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you as a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” (Matthew 25:36-39 NIV).
The above Scripture shows the King not commending His brothers, who are depicted in the Christian dispensation. The commended ones would be ordinary people, representing what is identified as normal people. Such people would be concerned about bad conditions in our environment.
They would have even not been aware of having contributed to the new world order that the King would then be establishing. Their behaviour would be different from the psychotics and the neurotics, whose general behaviour is self-centred, rather than altruistic.
While the brothers and sisters of Jesus would also be normal people, they would be different. Their behaviour would not be considered normal, by the ordinary people of this world. They would have arrived at God’s Kingdom at the point of conversion and receiving of the precious gift of the Holy Spirit. Hence Jesus identifies them as His brothers and sisters.
Surprisingly, as representing the old, the psychotics are always resistant to normal people, who are guarantors of the psychotics’ future, as well. Providing financial resources to both psychotic and neurotic people is as good as flushing that money into the toilet.
Without this knowledge, developed nations provide donations to the so-called third-world countries, whose leaders are psychotic. Donors from such benevolent nations could also be holding the proclivity to be psychotic, or neurotic.
Donations should only be directed to poor countries, whose leaders are normal. Although subjected to stiff opposition, normal people cannot be discouraged. They draw comfort in working for the betterment of the future of humanity, with ever-glowing hope.
standards for uplifting Zimbabwe from the current state of economic depression into a model for other nations worldwide. A decaying tree provides an opportunity for a blossoming sprout. Written from a Christian perspective, the book is a product of inspiration, bringing relief to those having witnessed the strings of unworkable solutions––leading to the current economic and social decay. Most Zimbabweans should find the book as a long-awaited providential oasis of hope, in a simple conversational tone.
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