The world is at the brink of nuclear war. North Korea is the villain, where every nation, opposed to North Korean’s nuclear programme is considered virtuous. World leaders are preoccupied with what could be the best course of action to avoid the catastrophe.
The strategically positioned legal minds remain without workable solutions. This type of war threatens millions of lives. There is nowhere else to look to, for the possibility of evading such cataclysmic disaster. North Korea continues to display its unprecedented arrogance towards its widely condemned nuclear programmes.
The suggestion of there being God up in Heaven, with all solutions to such problems, is considered as beyond common sense. Many nations respect the Bible, with messages of hope and solutions. They are in agreement, when considering that God exists. But the North Korean crisis leaves them fumbling for answers from elsewhere, than the Christian Bible.
The United States of America, under the leadership of the seemingly intransigent Donald Trump’s leadership, appears, particularly highly impatient with North Korea. The United States of America assumes that its economic advantage and vast size of military supremacy can solely help in enforcing order.
However, North America, though being a Christian country, cannot understand things written in the Bible? Why can it not be possible for America to appreciate that wars cannot necessarily be won through the supremacy or lack of it—on those involved?
The story of the Israelites being defeated at Ai is one of the Biblical examples (Joshua 7). Israel had assumed being more powerful than the little Ai, yet they were embarrassingly defeated, as long as God was not on their side.
But David’s encounter with Goliath is most fitting example, showing that wars are not won through the supremacy and the size of the opponent. Having many nations on your side may also not be what is necessary, to win in a war of that magnitude.
The Bible itself is full of prophecies showing that such catastrophic wars would be prophetically fulfilled. But I suppose, some Christian practitioners would be encouraged to take positions on what needs to be done—to fulfill being on the side of the Lord under such circumstances.
Will the nuclear war eventually come to pass, as predicted by the doomsayers? Will Donald Trump and his allies be persuaded to appreciate that there is a better arsenal in containing this crisis than engaging in that kind of conflict? Jesus came, as the light of the world. Christians are expected to take their positions as being the light of the world (Matthew 5:14).
Here is my own contribution towards issues that could possibly neutralize the North Korean crisis. War is not the answer. Sanctions are not the answer. Jesus’ word is the answer. Whilst aware that bringing Jesus in a Crisis like this—having reached this level—invites ridicule. However, Jesus’ word remains the only answer, nonetheless.
“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others?” (Matthew 5:43-48) (ESV)
Supposing either of the antagonists heeded what Christ said above, would the anticipated cataclysmic war ever come to pass? The Golden law states: “Do unto others as you would like them do unto you” (Matthew 7:12). This principle portrays what everyone in the Christian world agrees with, but there is something that makes putting the principle into application impossible.

Do unto North Korea what you would like North Korea do unto you. Or do unto North America what you would like North America do unto you. The question is, what is it that either of the antagonists would like the opponent do unto either of them? In following the principle of this Law, who would be to blame, in the event that the bombings took place?
On the other hand, in following the principle of this Law, who would take credit, in the event that the nuclear war is avoided and the lives of many innocent people are spared? Both questions point at answers that recognize the issue of responsibility.
Many of the principles that Jesus pointed out can be considered foolish in this world: “….You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:23-28).
This world is sold into believing that supremacy is found in dominance over another. But power is found in what is regarded as weakness. Jesus Christ is the only answer to all our problems and that answer lies in everything He said. Power lies not in the personality of Jesus Christ, but in what He said. See [Believing in Jesus is different from having faith in Jesus].
It is possible to avoid the cataclysmic war—but only when one of the antagonists takes the position of supremacy, as defined by Jesus. The supreme leader of North Korea is a human being—though without access to the word of Jesus. Donald Trump claims to be Christian and therefore accessible to the word of God. He could make a difference.
Under the circumstances, United States of America is expected to lead the way, thereby, ensuring that the cataclysmic war is avoided. But North Korea could do the unpredictable, and help America to see the way to peace, where North Korea becomes the light, instead.
When Jesus instructed His listeners on the principle of loving one’s enemies (Matthew 5:43-48), He was bestowing responsibility on those expected to make a difference in the world of sin. This calls for sobriety, and ability to appreciate that Jesus is Lord.
Jesus died so that lives could be saved. However, the works of the devil continues to devastate humanity. The imminent cataclysmic war is a result of lawlessness. In the history of humanity people have gruesomely perished—yet humanity was created to solve problems. See [Created to solve, instead of creating problems].
Christ said Christians are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14). The only reason why the light of the world appears as dimming under the circumstances—is self-centredness. If altruism was dominantly practiced among Christians, the influence against the war in North Korea could reveal how stupid the stockpiles of nuclear armaments are. See [Christianity is defined in one word: Altruism].
A human being was created in God’s image. Any person—though categorized as belonging in the asylum of lunatics—was created in God’s image, nevertheless. A blind person needs guidance and those to guide a blind person against stepping on dangerous ground are people who are not blind.
The blind person is not blind, as long as he/she would be surrounded by those who would not be blind. This is the reason why, in His wisdom, Jesus said the greatest among all—are those providing service—doing unto others as one would like them do unto one (Matthew 22:34-40).
Education is misdirected, as long as not embracing these simple teachings of Jesus Christ. We live in a dangerous world, due to there not being enough people who can project the light to help blind people to see. Christianity, in its current condition, encourages darkness more than it ought to project the light.
Christianity is supposed to be the mouth-piece of the vastly publicized Man, the world has ever known—Jesus Christ. But Jesus’ name has been reduced to just a man who, only served as the founder of one of the world religions—Christianity. But it is a question of taking seriously, or not seriously, what Jesus taught. See [Christianity is defined in one word: Altruism].
The answer to world problems does not lie in how theologians interpret Scriptures. Also, that answer does not come from any of the branches of Christian denominations. The answer comes from the significance of the teachings of Jesus, as projected in one world—altruism.
The starting point—revealing the easiest way of coming out of the quagmire—is in appreciating that, currently, most of what is commonly projected as wisdom is, actually, foolishness. And most of what is commonly projected as foolishness is, actually, wisdom.
Christianity is not another religion of the world. Although it is Christianity that was established to project the light that should help people in this world. Ordinarily, humans are blinded by the world religions—so that humans cannot see the light, but darkness.
As portrayed to be one of the religions, Christianity has also been included in contributing to cause blindness in humanity. To be effective as peace-makers, true Christians ought to appreciate the significance of altruism, rather than law-keeping—in order to entrench self-centredness. Altruism is more than assuming that belonging to any of the denominations makes one a Christian. See [Personal Salvation vs. God’s Kingdom].
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. He came so that the blinded humanity might see the light. But the principles that Jesus taught have been hijacked by those—now putting themselves in positions of authority—when serving only to misrepresent everything taught by Jesus.
This article is unlikely to stop the North Korean war. But it is among the few that have answers, if the desire is in avoiding the North Korean war. The altruistic nature of Jesus’ teachings could make Kim Jong Un and Donald trump sit together as brothers—chatting programmes that enhance human survival than destruction of humanity.
Between the two of them, one could take the initiative to lead towards the direction of peace. The only serious hindrance to this is pride—seeking to be regarded as great. Yet it is the opposite behaviour that makes a person great—according to Jesus (Matthew 20:23-28).
The people of North Korea are just as important as the people of North America, and vice versa. The author of confusion insists that the other group is inferior to the other. This is typical of people—fumbling in darkness—unable to tell what is real and what is not real.
But light is available—only from one source—and that source is Jesus Christ. He taught principles that emphasize on one technique in solving human problems—Altruism. Human beings are responsible for ensuring survival of each other. This is the opposite of what was projected by Cain who declared not to be the keeper of his brother.
The comfort of living in sin ought to be forfeited, if human beings are to attain peace and happiness, as desired by all. What is poised to happen in North Korea is just an effect—projecting the reality of what this world approve as normal. But all this is a result of conglomerate deception—long entrenched by the source of all confusion—Satan.
How many Christians can stand up and be counted, in being channels of peace that the world is crying for? This is just as the most atrocious event—demonically appearing as transpiring in North Korea—needs peace-loving people to intervene and stop it? There is no need to allow misguided elements—seemingly unaware of the effects of their actions—to worsen the plight of humanity gone berserk.
Perhaps most Christians decide to keep quiet in their comfort zones—praying and hoping that God would do something about it? But God did something about it at Calvary. What remains, at this stage, are those claiming to be His followers to rise up and take positions of responsibility. The beckoning catastrophe could, at least be prevented for now?
There are those sitting in the comfort of being far away from the war zones. But the reality of life is that the problems of this nature, affect everyone, in one way or the other. It is incumbent upon us all to join hands in helping one another to collectively solve our problems on this planet.
Peace does not come by way of exterminating another race. It comes by way of enhancing the value of each and every one of us, so that survival of humanity becomes what it was created to be. We are the children of God, regardless of how one of us can be entrenched in sinfulness.
The sins of one race is the sin of humanity. Just as the enlightenment of one race ought to be the enlightenment of the entire humanity. The important message to be enforced to our Christian brothers is that: We are dependent on each other—instead of being independent against one another.
Our enemies are not physical human beings. But the system of self-centredness, instituted by Satan—so that humanity assumes it being the best for individual survival. Self-centredness was adopted at the expense of altruism. Yet altruism is the only hope for humanity. Jesus demonstrated the practicality of altruism. Christians are expected to do like-wise. Lest we are doomed to perish, as a human race.
Life is better than death—just as light is better than darkness. The time for groping in darkness was ended by Jesus. It is no longer necessary to consume one another in evils of war. May the Christian brothers rise up and take up their effective positions, in ensuring that the light of Jesus illuminates far and wide. Let us collectively stop what is frighteningly beckoning in North Korea.
Andrew Masuku is the author of Dimensions of a New Civilization, laying down standards for uplifting Zimbabwe from current state of economic depression into a model for other nations worldwide. A decaying tree provides an opportunity for a blossoming sprout. Written from a Christian perspective, the book is a product of inspiration, bringing reliefs to those having witnessed strings of unworkable solutions––leading to the current economic and social decay. In a simple conversational tone, most Zimbabweans should find the book as a long awaited providential oasis of hope.
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