Propaganda is propagated by agents of criminality

Dubious politicians often use propaganda for political settlements. Their survival is sustained by delusional efforts to advance glamorous facades. However, propaganda doesn’t always work on those who know that not all that glitters is gold. Despite the number of people envying their lifestyles, the downfall of propagandists is predictable. The value of knowledge lies in the ability to spot treachery. Human life was never meant to be animalistic, driven by propaganda.

The treacherous ruling class often assumes that propaganda is effective when spreading falsified information about what is considered good. Conversely, the same propaganda is used to harm the credibility of the opponents of the ruling class. This is seen as a lucrative strategy to preserve the dignity of uninformed individuals. This strategy can be highly effective in an uninformed society. Such behaviour is often glossed over as patriotism, although it is detrimental to the entire country’s welfare.

The idea of presenting oneself in a favourable light while concealing flaws is delusional and can lead to self-destruction. Hiding what should be eradicated can be self-defeating. Earthly life is governed by physical conditions that describe death while focusing on spiritual conditions leads to life. This projects the life and death dichotomy, as expressed by Jesus: “Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it” (Matthew 10:39 NIV). 

Evaluating Jesus’ statements can provide profound insights into dealing with life. His teachings cover a wide range of topics, from love and forgiveness to humility and faith. For instance, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6), emphasizing the importance of faith in Him for spiritual guidance. Another powerful statement is, “Do to others what you would have them do to you” (Matthew 7:12), which underscores the principle of treating others with kindness and respect. By reflecting on these and other teachings, we can easily navigate life’s challenges.

The book of Proverbs indeed offers profound wisdom, guiding us to make the right choices. It emphasizes that wisdom is tied to principles that lead to life, while wrong choices can lead to destruction. This underscores the importance of acting responsibly with knowledge, as ignorance can result in disastrous consequences.

According to fundamental principles, true winners are those who uphold the truth rather than falsehoods. If your neighbour is doing well, he deserves commendation. Prudence involves addressing your problems and aiming to correct them, rather than covering them up when producing poor results. Those heading towards ruin often embrace propaganda to outsmart those pursuing wisdom, instead of emulating them and improving life conditions.

Goodness is pure and should not be associated with humans. Godly principles are the only ones providing truthful information about survival. Corrupt individuals can be seen as good by those who benefit from them. The effectiveness of goodness is only observed when the greatest good is applied to the majority. Propaganda, on the other hand, aims to provide the least good to the majority, highlighting its nature as a criminal activity propagated by a few.

It’s essential to understand that no race is inherently inferior to another. The perception that Africans are easily manipulated by politicians is a complex issue influenced by historical, social, and political factors. Many African societies have deep-rooted cultural and religious traditions that emphasize respect for authority and hierarchical structures, more than common sense. The considered respect for authority is sometimes exploited when failing to see common sense as the guiding factor. Placing common sense above cultural doctrines is indeed crucial.

The essence of African communities lies in their culture, which is often mistakenly equated with survival. Culture becomes a fertile ground for manipulative politicians who exploit it to advance their propaganda. These politicians are aware of the limitations of religion in verifying authenticity. Propagandists operate at a level above those who are used as foot soldiers to preserve culture, often for questionable reasons.

Dishonesty and honesty both stem from dichotomous spiritual conditions. A dishonest spiritual condition often evolves from religion, while an honest spiritual condition can be associated with discerning wisdom from foolishness. In other words, dishonesty represents evil, while honesty represents goodness. However, these concepts can easily be evaluated when using common sense rather than something that should be preserved in religion.

The Mbuya Nehanda statue in Zimbabwe is preserved as a religious artefact, though its origins are not well-documented and are often influenced by propaganda. Similarly, Christianity is often religiously idolized in a way that can divert people’s reasoning. Both religious philosophies have been exploited to manipulate ordinary people, where authority would be emphasized.

Jesus’ teachings encompass profound wisdom, focusing on love, compassion, and moral integrity. However, the interpretation and application of these teachings have varied widely over time and across cultures. This is motivated by the application of culture, assumed as more important than common sense, in people’s lives.

Christianity’s introduction to Africa is historically complex. Early Christian communities existed in North Africa as early as the 1st century AD, with significant figures like Augustine of Hippo shaping Christian thought. However, during the colonial era, Christianity was often presented in ways that aligned with colonial interests, overshadowing its ethical dimensions.

Religion has played a role in providing social cohesion and moral guidance in less literate societies. However, the ethical and philosophical teachings of Jesus can stand independently of religious institutions. The crucifixion of Jesus is a multifaceted event with theological, political, and social dimensions. Jesus challenged the religious authorities of his time, leading to his crucifixion. This can be viewed as a fulfilment of his mission to offer salvation and wisdom to humanity.

Jesus brought common sense and spiritual enlightenment to humanity. This suggests that his teachings were meant to reveal the nature of humans, encouraging a deeper understanding of spirituality. This viewpoint challenges traditional notions of religion as mere rituals or beliefs. Jesus emphasised, instead, the importance of spiritual awareness and personal transformation.

“The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him. He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God” (John 1:9-13 RSV).

The true light is spiritual, enabling the ability to differentiate goodness from evil, without religious considerations. Enlightenment focuses on wisdom rather than religion, which serves only as a stable datum to the uninformed. In other words, a person can be given a stone idol for worshipping, making him feel relieved of infirmities. But all that sustains his ignorance of the origin of such infirmities, which is easily handled after accessing wisdom.

The rapid economic success of China, which is largely atheistic, has led to comparisons with Christian communities. Some argue that Christians, who claim to have superior knowledge, are now falling behind China’s advancements in practical living. This situation has influenced some Africans to consider abandoning Christianity in favour of Chinese philosophies. These shifts in belief systems invalidate the teachings of Jesus, who aimed to enlighten humanity on wisdom.

It’s important to note that while China’s economic growth is impressive, it doesn’t necessarily invalidate Jesus’ spiritual and moral teachings. Common sense offers different perspectives on life, and choices can be deeply personal and influenced by various factors. But Jesus is the light leading towards understanding eternity.

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the broken-hearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord” (Luke 4:18-19 NKJV).

The above highlights spiritual blindness, rather than can be assumed to address physical blindness. Religion is the oppressor but cherished by most people. China is highly successful, not necessarily because of its religious doctrines, but because it uses common sense to solve its problems. Russia could have also been associated with phenomenal success, had it not been foolishly obsessed with war. There cannot be a common sense among those embroiled in war activities.

Common sense is invalidated and yet it is the only channel towards attaining livingness. Jesus’ enlightenment projects common sense rather than a subject of religion. It is impossible to understand Jesus, unless willing to apply common sense in one’s endeavours. The religious viewpoint on Christianity is propagated by propagandists, for purposes of manipulating the uneducated communities.

Money is chiefly the instigator in manipulating the vulnerable majority, stemming from desiring to be worshipped by others. The majority of illnesses arise from a condition of desiring to be worshipped, more than worshipping others. The underlying cause of illness is stress, which is viewed as contributing immensely to infirmities. Promotion or lack of promotion at workplaces, when poorly handled, can lead to depression and severe illnesses.

Desiring promotion is triggered by a hunger for monetary privileges, more than a hunger to serve other people. Ignorant people prefer being served, rather than serving other people. Possessing money attracts being served, rather than serving other people. Capitalism is born out of a desire to be served by fellow humans. This world labels those with cash, as highly successful. However, Jesus invalidated the idea of monetary accumulation.

“No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Money” (Matthew 6:24 NIV)

Money lovers prefer reducing such Scriptures to parables, yet directed to those whom Jesus did not teach in parables. Such misinterpretations present opportunities for the propagandists to strike. Jesus taught what applies to common sense, without necessarily coining a new religious philosophy. Propagandists have been highly successful in using wealth to manipulate poor people, more than religion is considered manipulative. Common sense can confirm that divided attention causes failure in any project.

How can a cheetah hope to catch its prey when attracted to two mammals at the same time? Its success lies in concentrating on either of the two mammals. Serving God applies to adopting everything that Jesus taught, but depriving monetary acquisition. Wealth implies becoming successful in monetary accumulation but losing out on Godly principles.

This is a valid common sense, and applicable to anything considered desirable. Worldly conditions are attractive to worldly viewpoints. This is why as physical humans we cannot be suspended above in space. The force of gravity keeps us attached to the earth. We also feel hungry without food; because of our earthly connections, making us believe that it is impossible to survive without food. Jesus insinuated that survival is possible, without food.

After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God’” (Matthew 4:2-4 NIV).

The Son of God is sustained by God’s word more than sustained by soil products. Spotting the difference between Sons of God, and sons of the soil is essential. Sons of the soil love death, as interred into the soil after their demise. However, the Sons of God cannot be so desperate as to turn stones into bread. They are of the heavenly source, whose concern excludes the earth.

Satan’s deception sought to muddle up earthly conditions with heavenly conditions. Satan’s deception can easily overwhelm hungry people, when unaware of their spiritual condition. For God’s children to prevail, the knowledge of God’s word is paramount, but insufficient, without comprehending its significance. Jesus prevailed, due to His superior knowledge.

The Jews possessed God’s word but did not understand its significance. Jesus had full understanding as He came from the source, contriving His ability to embrace the word. The acquisition of knowledge and understanding does not need religion, serving to block understanding. Hence, Jesus came to remove ignorance, replacing it with knowledge.

The propagandists manipulate, not only ancient religions like Mbuya Nehanda ornamental embellishments but also manipulating those embroiled in Christian idolatry. The special reason for some people to be so obsessed with manipulating fellow humans is their desire to be worshipped. Hence, Satan attempted to give Jesus this as his last temptation, but without success, as Jesus was highly knowledgeable.

Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendour. “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.” Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.” Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him (Matthew 4:8-11 NIV).

A human being was created to be Lord over Satan. However, out of ignorance, humans are easily tricked to worship Satan, instead. Jesus was direct in reminding Satan of his obligation to worship humanity. This is how the deception easily fell flat on Satan, who knew the truth about being subservient to God’s children. His treachery had been designed to manipulate Jesus’ ego. However, because of His superior knowledge, Jesus could not be tricked in that manner.

The propagandists are Satan’s agents, taking advantage of God’s people’s knowledge deficiency. Thousands of God’s people fall victim to Satan’s propagandistic schemes. Currently, Satan blocks any information that equips God’s Children with truth. Unsurprisingly, others are motivated even to delete, rather than pass on truthful information, designed to awaken the deceived groups. Propaganda attracts faster dissemination than truthful information.

Andrew Masuku is the author of Dimensions of a New Civilization, laying down standards for uplifting Zimbabwe from the current state of economic depression into a model for other nations worldwide. A decaying tree provides an opportunity for a blossoming sprout. Written from a Christian perspective, the book is a product of inspiration, bringing relief to those having witnessed the strings of unworkable solutions––leading to the current economic and social decay. Most Zimbabweans should find the book as a long-awaited providential oasis of hope, in a simple conversational tone.

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