Before His physical departure, Jesus promised to return and be with His disciples, who would be where He would be. The outsiders would not know where the Lord would be, but the insiders would feel at home. The key distinction between Christians and non-Christians is the ability to recognize the…
The Season of the Dawn of Knowledge
In 1609, the illustrious Italian scientist Galileo Galilei introduced the telescope to astronomy, becoming the first to observe the moon’s craters. He also uncovered sunspots, Jupiter’s four large moons, and Saturn’s rings. His telescope employed a sequence of glass lenses for object magnification, allowing up to 30 times enlargement but…
Offending a true Christian is impossible
The most accurate portrayal of a Christian is one who emulates Jesus’ behaviour. Those who identify as Christians yet fail to exhibit Jesus’ qualities do not truly adhere to Christianity. The Jews committed many acts that could have offended Jesus but never succeeded in offending Him. The gravest insult they…
The best location for a Christian
When asking ordinary Christians about their personal locational preferences, responses will vary. Nonetheless, their preferred choices tend to coincide with what provides comfort in their life circumstances. This often includes being in the company of fellow believers who share their faith, as it can contribute to a sense of well-being.…
The intrinsic value of humanity.
When given the choice between wealth and addressing the issue of vagrancy, some may mistakenly believe that eliminating vagrants would restore order. This misconception leads to the devaluation of human life, resulting in the perpetrators living under the curses of those they have wronged. They fail to recognize the intrinsic…
An introduction to the truth
Exploring the concept of truth necessitates grasping its four fundamental characteristics. The foremost characteristic is the accuracy of the subject in question, implying alignment with facts or actuality. This typically demands direct observation of the matter at hand. A person’s claims cannot be considered credible without personally witnessing what they…
The Untold Cultural Limitations
Culture is perhaps the most valued aspect of human society. However, its greatest limitation lies in its tendency towards introversion. This inward focus gives rise to many of humanity’s challenges. An extreme inclination towards introversion may result in societal deterioration. Moving towards extroversion entails broadening one’s interests to encompass various…
Who is responsible for feeding the flock?
The duty of feeding the flock generally rests on the shepherd. The shepherd leads and provides for the sheep, ensuring their safety and welfare. Following His resurrection and before leaving the earth, Jesus explicitly commanded Peter to tend to His sheep. To underscore the importance, Jesus reiterated this command to…
Overcoming the facade to promote authenticity
The greatest challenge for many is to be true to themselves. People often present an image at odds with their true selves, seeking others’ approval to feel a sense of belonging. Physical security is a significant concern for humans. Yet, upon realizing one’s spiritual nature, the concept of security becomes…
Human praise contradicts Christian Principles
Praise from others often acts as a significant motivator for many people. Most are inspired to improve their performance based on the accolades they receive. Yet, this stands in contrast to Jesus’ teachings, who encouraged His followers to take joy in persecution and highlighted the significance of performing good deeds…
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