Jesus proclaimed that only the truth would liberate us (John 8:32). During a temptation, Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the Earth if He would worship him (Matthew 4:8-9). Jesus rebuffed him, affirming that only God should be worshipped. This implies that Satan claims the ability to bestow prosperity…
Attaining salvation is as easy as embracing death
The common phenomenon observed worldwide is the human obsession with territorial protection. Regardless of race or culture, there’s a universal inclination to safeguard one’s territory. Often, there’s no specific reason behind this, yet it resonates with the innate human instinct. This behaviour is prevalent even among Christian denominations, where members…
The two distinct personalities
Plaguing humanity, in general, is a failure to understand that humanity is divided into two personalities. Forget about racial, tribal, ethnicity or any other assumed divisions; either of the exposed two personalities causes the existence or non-existence of such conditions. It is a sheer waste of time and resources to…
Exploring the concept of the ‘god of this world’
But we have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness nor handling the word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God. But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god…
The aspect of sinfulness in this world
Attending Church and adhering to certain moral laws does not eradicate the sinful nature of humanity. It raises the question of why sin is attributed solely to humans, as opposed to other species. It is believed that God loved the world so much that He sent His only Son to…
The infant Jesus was senior to His parents
One intriguing aspect of Jesus is His ability to possess knowledge that surpassed that of His parents. Often, parents may unintentionally invalidate their children because they do not recognize the true identities of these young individuals. Many parents assume they are more knowledgeable than their children simply because of their…
The mystery of the word becoming flesh
The term “Word” comes from the Greek “Logos,” signifying God’s communication to humanity. Ordinary humans cannot access divine communication due to the imperfections of human language compared to the divine. Seeing and communicating with God in a physical form is deemed impossible. However, through spiritual transformation, an individual may communicate…
Exploring the concept of greatness
This world is characterized by a distinction between those deemed great and those considered insignificant. Accumulating wealth is often viewed as a path towards greatness, even though such wealth can be acquired through corruption. The wealthiest individuals gain respect worldwide, mainly because of the potential benefits from them, excluding their…
The value of physical humanity is delusional
Knowledge is regarded as a spiritual concept that manifests through the physical body since spirit beings cannot interact without a physical form. While knowledge is accessed through the body, it is distinct from it. This distinction explains why a deceased body cannot communicate: the spirit, which embodies a person’s essence,…
Is the Trump phenomenon beneficial for Americans?
There is no doubt that the most conservative Christians are excited about Trump’s victory in the recent elections. They view him as a figure whose mission is to restore morality among those they believe have lost Christian values. The groups most affected by this shift are abortion activists and advocates…
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