The entire Old Testament Bible is comprised of the Law and the Prophets. Some of the prophetic stories are recorded as having been fulfilled. Others can significantly be fulfilled at our time, or are yet to be fulfilled. The experts, analyzing prophetic Scriptures could, actually, be doing well, exposing the…
Logic and Christianity are synonymous
Christianity can be the worst religion, as long as practised by non-Christians, incapacitating its workability. Christianity was designed to solve problems. When committed where there would be Christians applying principles of Christianity; that area cannot be found confounded with problems. Christianity implies problem-solving, where the application of logic would be…
Cultural traditions and Christianity cannot be mixed.
Spiritual liberation can be adopted when aware of the differences between cultural traditions and Christianity. When opting to become a Christian, it is advisable to avoid entertaining traditions that one would have become accustomed to. While customs and traditions appear as granting comfort, enabling one to identify with a particular…
The purpose of physical existence
The purpose of existence in this life cannot be identified uniformly. There are four personalities, represented in four categories. The first category consists of people, living just for themselves. The second category consists of those desiring to bear children. The third category consists of those surviving to make a difference…
Honour is for the office not the person
A physical human being deserves no honour. Physical humans are destined to perish at some point, regardless of longevity, as designed to survive only for some duration. The degradation of the human body was designed to revert to the soil, from where it came. This is different from a person…
Do we really need UN electoral supervision?
We are a country with a reputation for highly educated people in Southern Africa. The talk about Zimbabwean electoral processes requiring UN supervision seems to be gaining momentum. This is because rigging elections has now commonly become acceptable, even by our esteemed Courts. Others have even attempted to advance a…
Can blacks be liberated from being black?
Some people have engaged in skin surgeries, seeking to change their racial outlook, considered associated with inferiority. To some people, being born black gives the impression of being in the condition of disability. Such a viewpoint is one among many fallacies, inflicting humanity, from time immemorial. A human being cannot…
The curse with operation Dudula
Faced with the phenomenon of undocumented foreigners, narratives have been projected from various angles. However, narratives remain, whether unacceptable or acceptable to some, what is needed most is a truthful confrontation. Like the dissident phenomenon in the 1980s, the Dudula phenomenon needs honest handling, for the restoration of normalcy. The…
Politics and Christianity are inseparable
Out of inconsideration of what goes on in the environment, those identifying themselves as Christians advocate for introversion. They assume that goodness is associated with minding one’s own business, without caring about what happens in the environment. However, that describes the opposite of Christianity. That was not the behaviour of…
The misunderstood bifocal beginnings
The Holy Bible quotes two beginnings, making it enigmatic to ordinary readers. To start with, the Bible shows God as having neither a beginning nor an end. This presentation intends to help readers demystify themselves of the common misunderstanding. We will start with what is depicted in the Book of…
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