A man with a clean heart can never be hurt. The Biblical story of Joseph can be captivating, not only for the young but also for the grown adults. From a physical point of view, Joseph grew up under very complicated conditions. His mother died when he was still very…
Freedom; according to Christianity
The term, “freedom” can be abused to mean what it doesn’t advocate. Every human being needs freedom. But there have been incidences of entanglement into more slavery, by those in the quest for freedom. A typical example is that of the French Revolution, where people assumed that freedom meant lawlessness.…
Jesus’ refusal to be crowned King
After the people saw the miraculous sign that Jesus did, they began to say, “Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world.” Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself (John 6:14-15 NI). Jesus…
Pray for the perpetrator, not the victim
This world insists that a person who harms another deserves to be punished. However, the person who harms another subtracts his/her dignity, thereby needing prayer, more than the harmed person. Abel was murdered by Cain. Yet, of the two brothers, Abel died at an advantage, rather than Cain. Cain lived…
Jesus did not die for physical humans
The physical body is animalistic and its defence also follows the pattern of the animal kingdom. The behaviour of any creature, observed in this world, is governed through the process of birth, growth and death. That pattern is similar to human beings. However, Jesus came to redeem humanity from that…
Correcting historical issues is impossible
In the twenty-first century, there are people obsessed with attempting to address historical issues. The African continent is betrayed by those attempting to correct colonial injustices, committed by powerful nations. No one can give life to those who perished during colonialism. In recent times, Afro-Americans have displayed their commitment to…
Precise steps towards freedom
Jesus declared Himself as the way, the truth and the life. This is the most important information ever availed, to any person in need of freedom. People spend gigantic sums of money to establish businesses, or pursue some professional careers, aiming at attaining economic freedom. But there is more to…
The significance of a monarchy
Britain is regarded highly, by many nations, even though also loathed by others for having been a colonizing power. The hatred of Britain only serves to confirm the consideration of British superiority by those grumbling Africans. The displayed emotional hatred, by the so-called revolutionaries, is generally hypocritical. A typical example…
Make me neither poor nor rich
One of Confucius’ wise quotes states: “The superior man is aware of righteousness, the inferior man is aware of advantage”. From this can be deduced reality in that the superior man is spiritual. The inferior man, being physical, is governed according to natural laws. He requires observing those natural laws,…
The significance of the first becoming last.
Wherever Jesus mentioned the aspect of rewarding those having sacrificed everything to follow Him He emphasized the aspect of first becoming last. “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold and will…
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