Unknown to ordinary people is that the use of language involves commonly accepted conditions, not necessarily based on truth. The shades of colour are the most common, in depicting human deception. After having communicated dishonest information over a long time, humans would eventually adopt such falsehoods as truth. Tradition is…
Walking in the light of God
One of the avenues out of confusion, on matters of Christianity, is to analyze the Pharisaic behaviour, at the time of Jesus. The Pharisees were considered highly religious and respected law-keepers, among the Jewish people. How could the renowned scripturally diligent searchers fail to appreciate the services of Jesus? The…
The use of authority when solving problems
There is one authority under the sun, emanating from God. All creatures obey the Creator’s authority. The principle of obeying the creator includes even the most detested creatures. After His resurrection, Jesus declared that all authority had been given to Him (Matthew 28:18). Satan is currently assumed to be in…
The all time Voice of the living God
After taking over from President Mugabe, the current Zimbabwean President, Emerson Mnangagwa, declared that the voice of the people was the voice of God. As dichotomously predicated, people proffered their opinions according to whether that declaration was considered Godly-inspired or blasphemous. Without inviting being misconstrued as approving or not approving…
Interchanging wisdom with stupidity
In the middle of the Garden of Eden there existed two parabolic trees. One was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the other, the tree of life. This implies that Adam had a beneficial alternative between the two dichotomous trees. Stupidity can be defined as the…
The essence of the gift of life
The human body, comprised of its various organs, is not life. It survives only as the spirit impinges life on it. As soon as the spirit moves out of the body the person is pronounced dead, inferring the spiritual departure from the body. The spirit comprises the real person, who…
The treachery in receiving honour
The planet Earth demands all organic material to be incorporated for decomposition, rather than anything else. This is why a dead body cannot be kept for too long, without exuding a repellent stench. How worse can a human become? The worst is when he has succumbed to death, at which…
The untold story about Jesus’ name
No other name is mentioned more than the name of Jesus in this world. Conversely, no other name is misrepresented more than Jesus’ name. If Jesus is the Son of God why is His name more dominant than His Father’s name? The treatment of Jesus was never glorious on Earth.…
The key is in the significance of being a follower.
The significance of following is different from pursuing when tolerating cutting corners. A cheetah, while pursuing its prey, does not necessarily always have to consider the rigorous tracking of the footsteps of its prey. It seeks to outdo the foot-tracks, as long as it intends to access the catch for…
The spirit must be in charge
The problems of humanity arise from allowing the flesh to take control, rather than the spirit. For instance, a miserable person under the influence of drugs cannot figure out the reason for survival. A person is as good as dead, as long as not in control of his/her body, which…
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