This world is full of disappointments, hatred and sorrowful conditions. To expect anything else would be unrealistic. The moments of laughter are, but always brief, as the counteractive moments of sadness will be close by. Love is a term that is contaminated with a vast array of misinterpretations, more than…
The spirit is the real person
A human being is identified as comprised of three components; the spirit, soul, and body. As a neutralizing agent, the soul serves as a moderator between the body and the spirit. An average person requires a balance between the works of the spirit and the body, whose aspirations are opposed…
Principles of life and survival
The aim of every living creature is survival. All creatures, great and small, including humans, in this universe, aim at survival. Life cannot be touched or evaluated, scientifically, but observed through the animation of creatures in their different structures and sizes. Life is not limited to humanity. Even microscopic organisms…
Racial consciousness is as retrogressive as introversion.
America carries its unforgivable sins, one of which is its involvement in devastating wars across the world. But credit ought to be awarded to that nation, in terms of its constitutional stance on racial matters. The same now applies to the United Kingdom, currently led by a Prime Minister of…
The scientific question of origin
The fundamental reason that caused Jesus’ murder was his affirmation that He was not of this world. The truth of all ages, concerning human origin, is derived from the datum, which is scripturally authenticated. Jesus’ involvement in quarrels with His opponents concerned utterances about His Godly origin. Jesus’ utterance was…
Humans are more precious than diamonds.
A country is said to be blessed when endowed with diamonds. Ironically, there are countries accursed with incessant wars, because of endowment with such considered precious material resources. Why shouldn’t a country be blessed with humans, rather than considered blessed with mineral resources? A human being wakes up to realize…
The preponderant hatred of the gay people
Some people assume that if homosexuality is addressed effectively, this world would be less sinful. Any country that indulges in the hatred of gays is considered more righteous than those tolerating such behaviour. But the opposite could be true. It is extremely necessary to confront this subject and remove misunderstandings,…
True Christians are Gnostics and not Theologians
At the early stages of Christianity, were people identified as Gnostics. Such people were regarded as heretical. They were totally invalidated, but appearing as having held to the fundamentals of Christianity. Theologians assume to know, based on theoretical assumptions. It is from that consideration that God is assumed to be…
The structure-less idea was first muted by Jesus
Nothing of the existing objects has ever operated without structure. No one can even imagine how an organization could operate without structure. But, nothing of this world, whether appearing well or not, has ever brought sustainable structure. The Roman Empire, operating under a perfectly delineated structural system, lasted longer than…
Three basic causes of misunderstanding
All problems are a result of misunderstandings, caused by three circumstances. A problem is halfway resolved when aware of its origin. The purpose of this submission is to highlight the possibility of only three conditions causing stress in human relations. To be in control of what is problematic a realistic…
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