When delving into matters of truth one is advised to steel oneself against the effects of astringent opposition. This world is sustained by falsehoods. Projecting the truth is tantamount to provokingly inviting a duel with the devil. Certainly, no physical being can hope to withstand torrents of harmful molestations and…
The effect of Jesus’ dramatic second coming
Jesus is alive, but ordinary people cannot figure out how possible it can be for Jesus to be alive and yet not observed physically. The dramatic event of the second coming of Jesus is as definite as the certainty of the rising sun tomorrow. Spiritual conditions are not real to…
The talents and the next life
This life is a mere playground when compared with the real business in the next life. Having lived this long, so far, I am privileged with a glimpse of the significance of living in this world. This world grants the ability to glimpse experiences of success and failures in people’s…
A group has never evolved anything descent
There are those advancing the complaint that Chamisa is a dictator. The common grievance is that he does not consult others in his leadership. The assumption that such complainants are driven by desiring the advantage, accessible in Chamisa’s popularity may not be far from wrong. An idea comes from one…
Walking in the light of God
The consequences of walking in darkness are too grim, with conditions as unpredictable as the rocks under the ocean waters. The majority of the problems of humanity appear as unpredictable, suggesting the impossibility of preventing them. However, nothing is impossible as long as aware of being causative in one’s environment.…
The fundamentals of Christianity
To be a Christian, one needs baptism in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. This set-up was conditionally composed by Jesus, after His resurrection. However, while used as a basis for delineating a widely adopted Trinitarian construct, these fundamentals have a different conjecture. The viewpoint of…
Unveiling the mystery of humanity
The world is fatally dangerous and undesirable for humanity and yet it is the most loved planet by the same entire humanity. The reason humans fear death is their attachment to the world’s corrupt conditions. Ordinary humans are aware of the impending death but are always surprised at its arrival.…
Knowing God starts with self-knowledge.
There is never a time that God has not communicated with humanity. The inability to communicate with God is a matter of inability to identify oneself. The purpose of preachers should be to remind people that they are God’s children. We must confront the reason for rejecting those coming with…
Evil needs no publicity
Unbeknown to many people is that the only condition that sustains evil, in this world, is its publicity. The formula is: When in need of goodness to prevail, just publicize goodness as broadly as possible and ignore bad occurrences. Similarly, when in need of evil to prevail just publicize evil…
The awareness of a spiritual condition
The unavoidable condition of humanity is the awareness of being aware. By preference, most humans deliberately choose to exist in the lives of other people. However, an infant cannot pretend to be another person. The older a child becomes the more susceptible to acquiescing to norms, within the environment, for…
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