Chapter 4: Mystery in Man’s Creation

Without exhaustive details in Genesis creation, humanity remains embroiled in mysteries. To effectively illustrate the differences between Man’s creation and Adam’s formation, a digestive postulate is summarized in the following thirteen-point analysis: God’s image is Spiritual. Anything physical, as portrayed in physical humans, is the opposite of a spiritual condition.…

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Chapter 3: Who is Jesus?

Stating that another fellow human being is Jesus, can easily attract scorn––from those accustomed to viewing Jesus in a Trinitarian context. However, when Jesus came to shed light, it seemed that stubborn humanity preferred to remain in the comfort of confusion. “Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when…

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Chapter 2: Flesh and Sinfulness

A Certain rich young ruler addressed Jesus as ‘good Master.’ Jesus’ response clarified what had all along been wrongly adopted as tradition (Matt. 19:16–17 KJV). Christ lived a perfect life in physical existence. But the nature of being physical carried nothing good, contextually as people viewed Jesus as corporeal, though…

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Exploring the cult phenomenon

The simple English dictionary defines the cult term, as: “1—a group of people with a religious, philosophical or cultural identity. Sometimes viewed as a secret, often existing on the margins of society or exploitative towards its members. 2. Devotion to a saint.” On exploring the phenomenon of cultish conditions, I was…

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