The essence of Christianity was intended to assist humanity in understanding the true nature of being human. To what extent can one be human? The answer lies in the belief that one can be as human as Jesus was. When Jesus proclaimed Himself as the way, the truth, and the…
The act of redeeming time
The average human lifespan is currently estimated at seventy years. Living beyond this age is often seen as a significant achievement in healthy living, typically attributed to a balanced diet and regular physical exercise. However, these factors alone do not account for the full measure of time well spent. For…
Revisiting God’s Temple
One of the most notable moments in Jesus’ narrative was the overturning of tables, revealing a rage that His contemporaries could not comprehend. It remains uncertain whether this was His first visit to the Temple or if the act held prophetic meaning. Jesus was referred to as the bread of…
A woman is not subhuman
Culture, traditionally adopted to shape the behaviour of races, tribes, or families, is often seen as one of humanity’s greatest adversaries. We are products of our culture, much like our physical traits have been ancestrally inherited. The reasons behind our specific behaviours in social interactions remain largely unknown. It is…
The physical person shadows the spiritual being
The human story remains enigmatic to many. Yet, the physical being stands in contrast to the spiritual being created in God’s likeness. This is exemplified in the figure of Barabbas, whose freedom brought the Jews solace, taking the place of Jesus. Notably, Barabbas translates to “son of the father,” juxtaposing…
Human safety is derived from a kingdom
For security reasons, humans cannot exist without some form of governance. While independence is highly valued, absolute autonomy is not feasible in the physical world. Some nations enjoy more freedom than others, but complete freedom is unattainable due to natural laws. For instance, gravity prevents a person from floating freely,…
The phenomenon of resisting new discoveries
Knowledge holds unparalleled importance. Yet, history is replete with fierce opposition to the advent of new knowledge. A review of historical texts reveals a pattern of established authorities resisting discoveries. The backlash against Galileo’s telescopic revelations stands as a prime example among countless instances of such resistance. It is the…
When is God’s Kingdom attainable?
The inquiry into accessing God’s Kingdom arose while Jesus was still present in His physical form. Those who asked were mindful of the urgency and significance of God’s Kingdom to humanity. The question remains as pressing today as it was back then. Yet, once Jesus provided the answer, now preserved…
Righteousness is established in truth
The administration of justice aims to ensure that truth governs human behaviour. A ruler or king deemed to neglect justice is labelled as evil, while one who administers justice truthfully is seen as righteous. Thus, God’s righteousness is achievable when justice prevails over favouritism. In recent times, Zimbabwe has witnessed…
Iniquity is established in falsehood
In the electric engineering field, the danger is found in the error of combining positive and negative currencies when connected to a generator. As long as remaining separate, the dichotomies pose no threat. Transgression results when contravening the axiomatic laws, like tempering with the dichotomous electric currencies. The physical universe…
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