The parable recorded in Matthew 18:12-13 is among the most misinterpreted and misunderstood Scriptures in the Bible. Was Jesus suggesting the foolishness of leaving ninety-nine sheep vulnerable to wolves to save just one that is lost on the mountainside? The misapplication of this parable has resulted in considerable confusion and…
Spiritual resilience requires the diminishing of the physical self.
The definition of life, distinct from the inanimate, encompasses characteristics that differentiate living beings from non-living matter. These characteristics include the capacity to grow, reproduce, engage in functional activities, and continuously change until the expended material is cast off. In contrast, what is dead decomposes, while what is alive endures,…
The unmatched spiritual odyssey of Andrew Masuku
The greatest secret of all time may well be the belief that humanity’s origins are divine rather than terrestrial. Sharing this notion with the general populace could lead to exclusion. Yet, the revelation of our celestial beginnings surpasses any truth ever unearthed. Jesus revealed to Peter that such knowledge comes…
Failures Pave the Way to Success
Here lies a profound truth for the ages: When Satan thought he had triumphed over Jesus, he had actually suffered a great defeat. Being born into this world comes with facing unpredictable conditions. Some individuals confront death when mothers consider abortions, while others endure childhood abuse and illnesses. Adult life…
Pitfalls in Followership Tradition
Being a follower is seemingly simple, offering comfort and assurance as the leader assumes responsibility. This reflects the inherent challenges of humanity. A nation may achieve prosperity through effective leadership, or face complex challenges due to the actions of a single leader. Apathy within a nation begins when all responsibility…
Aspiring to be a conduit of peace
In a world rife with countless conflicts, the question arises: where are the peacemakers? The role of a peacemaker is immensely challenging, whether they are addressing the needs for peace within turbulent families or in regions ravaged by war. It begs the question, who authorizes the pursuit of peace in…
Is the Bible Holy or sacred?
The Bible is a collection of sacred writings central to Judaism and Christianity. The term “Holy” applied to the Bible frequently incites discussion, as it suggests perfection and infallibility—attributes usually not attributed to tangible objects. Jesus himself avoided the title, preferring to be called ‘Good,’ pointing at reserving ‘Holy’ solely…
A gift may be either valuable or costly
In a world rife with scepticism, gifts are often met with suspicion. This is one of many factors that contribute to the world’s unreliability. However, it is also possible to bypass what could be a life-altering opportunity. Opportunities are sometimes missed because of the uncertainty over the gift’s authenticity or…
Traversing the valley where death shadows loom
Following Jesus is an impossibility for physical humans. Jesus Himself made this clear, addressing those who thought He was like anyone else in this world. He declared that His testimony could only come from Himself, as He was the sole person to have come directly from the Father. Therefore, accessing…
Surviving without food and shelter
The concept of surviving without food was highlighted by Jesus during his temptation by Satan. After fasting for forty days and nights, Jesus faced Satan’s first temptation, which exploited the extreme improbability of surviving such an ordeal of hunger (Matthew 4:4). Jesus underscored the vital truth that human life was…
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