Countries rich in mineral resources often find themselves caught in severe armed conflicts, with little hope for resolution. For example, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), a nation abundant in resources like cobalt, diamonds, and gold, has never experienced lasting peace since gaining independence. This situation is perplexing and raises important questions about the true significance of humanity.
A critical question to consider is whether these minerals hold any real value. What good are these resources if the people of the country can only dream of peace? A nation’s worth should be measured by the quality of life of its citizens. The greatest misconception in this world is assuming that mineral resources are more valuable than human lives. There is a harsh truth: an uneducated person holds little value in society.
Kleptocratic rulers exploit their power to extract natural resources at the expense of their citizens, viewing them as lacking worth. Ironically, these dictators provide substandard education while encouraging people to idolize their leaders. This contributes to keeping the population in poverty. An educated person, though valuable, poses a threat to the authority of these rulers. As a result, these leaders adopt a philosophy of maintaining an uneducated, impoverished populace while indoctrinating them against independent thought.
A kleptocratic ruler, who exploits an uneducated populace, is often uneducated themselves. Knowledge is truly valuable only when it benefits others, highlighting the importance of education in defining a civilized society. A kleptocratic leader might appear civilized to an uninformed population, but they are in dire need of education. This exemplifies the complex challenges our world faces today. Conventional education does not seem to provide good quality education that uplifts the value of an individual.
The Mystery of Jesus’ Identity as God’s Son
The intrinsic value of humanity is represented through Jesus, who came for that specific purpose. Unfortunately, He remains a mystery to many people. Some view Jesus as an individual worthy of worship, which can sometimes lead to idolatry—where the focus is solely on Jesus as a figure to be revered. It is essential to explore the purpose of Jesus while remembering that He embodies what was created in God’s image.
Scientific discoveries are plentiful, contributing to the exciting advancements in information technology. However, our understanding of humanity’s existence seems largely undiscovered. There is far more that we do not know about human existence than we can currently comprehend. How can we invest in research that enhances our understanding of human capabilities? While most cultures invest significantly in education and human development, none fully grasp the true significance of humanity itself.
“What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honour. You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet” (Psalms 8:4-6, NKJV).
The Creator of all things places humans above everything, including angels. Jesus came to provide light, as the notion of valuing mineral resources above all else reflects the confusion present in the world today. As the light of the world, Jesus offers guidance that, when followed correctly, helps to solve all problems. The most important revelation is to prioritize humanity over material wealth.
Jesus: The Son of Man and the Son of God
Jesus came as both the Son of Man and the Son of God to reveal our human condition. By understanding that we are sons of men, we also recognize that we are sons of God, as demonstrated through the personality of Jesus. The true purpose of Jesus, described as the way, the truth, and the life, is to represent the ideal person created in God’s image. His only reason for appearing was to guide us toward our Father.
The teachings of Jesus provide valuable solutions for humanity, but only those who take Him seriously can truly benefit. His actions leading up to His crucifixion illustrate the path that His followers must embrace. The physical existence often conflicts with spiritual life, much like night contrasts with day. Jesus’ willingness to confront the cross serves as a testament that the road to salvation does not lie in seeking comfort in this world.
The Significance of Human Existence
One of the most significant questions about human existence remains largely unexplored, despite the belief that humans were created to solve problems. Investigating our origins can be challenging, but it should be a top priority. No problem can be effectively addressed without first uncovering the mysteries of humanity. Understanding human nature is crucial for success in any endeavour.
The landmark description of humanity is found in Genesis 1:26-27. Humans were created in God’s image, making it wrong to treat another human without acknowledging this principle. This principle does not consider the state of degradation the person concerned might be in. As long as they are identified as a human and not an animal, they deserve the consideration of divinity. The focus should be on how one can assist a degraded person, rather than condemning them. All answers to human problems are found in this principle alone.
Humanity Over Material Wealth
While mineral resources are considered a means to address various issues, it is ultimately humans who bear the responsibility for finding solutions. The challenges faced by humanity appear overwhelming, primarily due to a lack of understanding of human nature. Humans are designed to confront the world’s problems, but to do so effectively, we must first explore the true significance of our existence. In many ways, humans seem peculiar, as though they do not quite belong in this world. This is just as Jesus was clear in declaring not being of this world.
Jesus exemplified the principle of valuing humanity above all else. This was intended to help humanity realize that it is the only principle that leads to life. The accumulation of wealth is popular, yet it is contrary to the principle of placing humanity above it. This explains why Jesus clearly elaborated the distinction between God and mammon (Matthew 6:19-24). While Satan symbolizes the opponent of God, the principle lies in cherishing material things, which are attractive to physical nature, more than godliness.
The Value of Problem-Solvers
It is often overlooked that those who can solve other people’s problems are more valuable than the world’s mineral resources. A person’s worth is determined by their ability to address others’ issues. The pertinent question is what should be done with individuals who do not meet these expectations. The answer lies with the person posing the question. When encountering someone in a deplorable state, the question should be what can be done to help that person, rather than seeking ways to distance oneself from them.
People are divided by many things, ranging from gender, physical appearance, class, intellectual capabilities, or ignorance. However, all such things are not the reason that suggests dissociation. The axiomatic principle is found in that darkness disappears in the presence of light, not the other way around. Jesus became the only personality who projected the light among millions of people existing in darkness. However, if those believing in Him were to practice everything He taught, with precision, the entire world would be illuminated.
Conclusion: The True Measure of Value
The prevailing darkness among humanity attests that what is presented as manifesting Christianity is not authentic. A serious individual decides to discard everything and follow only the teachings of Jesus in the four gospels. Applying verbatim what Jesus said in those texts can be described as the most difficult task ever undertaken by any human. It requires those willing to discard anything, including their physical existence, to reach the required standard. In other words, any person is as valuable as being willing to sacrifice everything for those around them. This describes the significance of believing in Jesus.
The golden invitation is to shift one’s values to doing the opposite of what the physical body demands. This implies disregarding everything considered valuable in this world. A person may die without having produced anything deemed valuable. However, they would have attained true value. Each individual carries eternal value upon dying after transforming their attitude. There is no need to worry about the opinions of others. Jesus, whose body was placed on the cross, was considered valueless, yet there has never been a person as valuable as Jesus in this world.
Andrew Masuku is the author of Dimensions of a New Civilization, laying down standards for uplifting Zimbabwe from the current state of economic depression into a model for other nations worldwide. A decaying tree provides an opportunity for a blossoming sprout. Written from a Christian perspective, the book is a product of inspiration, bringing relief to those having witnessed the strings of unworkable solutions––leading to the current economic and social decay. Most Zimbabweans should find the book as a long-awaited providential oasis of hope, in a simple conversational tone.
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