Recently, a friend asked me of where I got the guts to challenge theologians. However, I honestly find nothing intimidating about theologians. Like everyone else, those people seem to have a strong desire to be on the Lord’s side. They cannot be as dangerous as the zealots of Jesus’ time—as what motivates them is to be on the Lord’s side. It would be far-fetched for anyone to regard theologians as blatant murderers, for instance.
In my view, those people are also, naturally, too proud to engage those regarded as nonentities—on discussions considered to be in their domain. Even though that would be sheer display of pride, on their part, they do not regard it as such. Those people are adamant in assuming that it is worthwhile to preserve their dignity—yet, at the same time desiring to be on the Lord’s side.
However, there is no connection between being on the Lord’s side and preserving one’s dignity. To be on the Lord’s side requires surrendering one’s dignity. This is just as it cannot be possible to separate between pride and dignity. Interestingly, even in ordinary English language usage, the word ‘pride’ carries dichotomous definitions.
Nothing would be considered as unacceptable, if, on commending my own son’s good performance, I stated: “That was a very good performance, son; I am proud of your accomplishments.” However, the same word ‘pride’ can be regarded dishonourably—when referring to someone considered as being conceited, rather than being humble. This is where language betrays us.
It is a question of where the line can be drawn, when defining the same word—in determining the rightful usage. Nevertheless, it is also possible that even when a person is disdainfully regarded as conceited—there is room for misjudgement. Such comments could be coming from someone overwhelmed with jealousy—over a person’s achievements.
Nevertheless, my confidence in writing lies in the reality that I have got nothing to lose—when advancing the things I consider to be true. I, actually, find it highly honourable not to be granted dignity, in my endeavours. If what I write could later be exposed as having been false, I would have nothing to lose, either—as one without dignity, after all.
If anything, I would highly appreciate the exposure of inaccuracies—attributed to my writings—when erroneousness, associated with effects of falsehoods become revealed. I would rather be most appreciative of the privilege of being corrected, instead of being ashamed—in the process of that correction.
To start with, I do not write in order to seek approval from anyone. Neither do I write in order to denigrate anyone. My conviction to write is purely spurred by the desire to share what I consider to be the good tidings of our Lord—hoping that the like-minded would do the same. The good news of Jesus were not appreciated by everyone—even as Jesus Himself was crucified for the good news.
I hold no other confidence—in determining whether what I write is truthful—except receiving no commendation from the educated of this world. If my writings were to be received with high honour that would be a clear sign that my inspiration to write would not be from God. Anything of this world is readily approvable by those of this world.
This is taken from the simplest of all facts that Jesus was never received with high honour, as He walked on this planet. The apostles were similarly treated and got murdered for the same cause. I feel empowered to continue in that vein, in all my life. I deserve nothing of this world—except the legacy left by Jesus Himself.
It is one thing to write, in anticipation of being rewarded by the fallible humanity. It is quite another, to write, in apprehension of being degraded by the fallible humanity. As long as being certain of being guided by Christ, who promised never to leave nor forsake His own, nothing really matters. I find leaving the little mark before being taken out of this planet—seeking, simply, to reiterate that ‘Jesus is Lord’—to be nobler.

If I get maliciously vilified for writing what appears on this website, I take it as high honour—as such represents the legacy of Jesus. The vicious attacks could be justified—especially, in view of what could possibly later turn out to be grounded on falsehood. This is why the beauty of advancing the gospel of Jesus is possible—even by those blatantly opposed to Him.
This is why, even Judas Iscariot, in his flagrant misconduct, had a remarkable contribution in the advancement of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our hope of salvation could not be cemented, without the misconduct of Judas Iscariot—bad as most people consider Judas Iscariot to have been. How else would our Saviour have been crucified, without Judas’ betrayal?
Nevertheless, if there could be anyone discovering that what I write serves as facilitating their connection with their Saviour, I say Alleluia! For such is the purpose of my writings. The point is that I am totally devoid of fear—whether justified or not—of abnegation by those considering themselves as the citadel of Christian knowledge. There is no need for me to lament over not being accorded the comfort that comes with good commendations.
Jesus remains to be the only Saviour of humanity, now and forever more. He is present today, as He was present in the first century. I hope that my courageous stand, would be considered by some, as serving to inspire those who are resolute, in standing for what they believe to be true. Fear was defeated at the cross. They should be spurred to do, only what comes from their inner fillings.
There is no need to be anxious about anything, as Jesus won the battle, after all. True worshippers of God ought to take comfort in that Jesus remains the only hope of our salvation. The fear of being challenged and criticised by the fallible theologians does not exist in the vocabulary of those having made up their minds to follow Christ.
However, the only thing that should silence, or alter my writings, as long as I live, is possible irrefutable truth—exposing the wrongness in my writings. Some of my critics may assume that I would be one driven only by the desire for publicity.
There may be some truth in that, as there cannot be any means that my story could reach far and wide. This is just as I believe that what I write is true. Therefore, that alone is what instils confidence in me and my desire for publicity. However, the desire for publicity should not, therefore, be mistaken for ostentation.
I personally have got nothing to offer, as one without an approvable educational profile in this world. Nonetheless, I believe that what I write comes from the man who was murdered at Calvary. The challenge is for those who see untruthfulness in that affirmation, to silence me with more convincing truths.
Those standing for Jesus, should not waste time—sitting to consider the risky terms—when regarding what they consider as needful of advancement. Their thinking line should not be different from the apostles of the first century. They should not be different from Paul who remained resolute, even when incarcerated in prison. They should refuse to be intimidated by anything of this world. I would be happy if I could be one counted among them.
There is definitely some truth in that there is discomfort in being rejected by friends and relatives, as long as one lives in this world. But there is also comfort in knowing that such rejection is the only sign that one is on the Lord’s side. Jesus vehemently stated this reality, in one of His Sermons:
“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you” (Matthew 5:10-12) (ESV).
When Jesus speaks, everything else has to be suspended. I am aware that in Christianity, the theologians are, naturally, given the highest honour, above everyone else. But I would be lying through my teeth, if insinuating that I have honour in what theologians advance—through their concerted efforts in strenuous studies. I reserve all my honour to the one and only, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross—considering that all humans are equal—in God’s eyes.
I would rather choose to be dishonoured for my stand than succumb to being manipulated to honour what I find to be dishonourable. I say this without malice, as one willing to listen to arguments against my stand. As for now, I stand convinced that Jesus alone remains the only one that deserving my honour. I consider the rest of humanity to be no different from me.
As I state my position, I hope that someone out there might be invigorated to courageously stand, likewise. What I am advancing is more to do with the liberty, brought to us, by Jesus Christ. I presume that many are caged—unable to communicate what God has revealed to them—due to the fear of the authorities. May those people now take comfort in knowing that even those esteemed—assumed as being in authority—being of this world—are not different from us.
Jesus came to grant us liberty (Luke 4:18-19). There is no reason to feel threatened, even by those whose mission seems to be intent on taking away other people’s freedoms. There are those holding things of value. But feeling sceptical, as assuming not being accepted by the majority—under the leadership of those in authority. However, there is no more reason to fear, as long as one walks in the footpaths of Jesus Christ.
Theologians should be understood as people who need salvation as much as all of us need it. There is no good reason to hate another fellow human being, even when gripped in pride and folly. The blood of Jesus covers every human being—regardless of there being others considered as more equal than others. May the timid ones acknowledge the fact that, in their state of fear, they can never be used by God, who regards everyone as equal?
The root of all fear is established in pride. In his state of humility, David committed himself to do what every mighty man of Israel feared to do. The towering giant, Goliath, was felled by an unimaginable nonentity—recorded for all of us to take a cue. All are safe, as long as willing to stand for the truths of the Living God.
Andrew Masuku is the author of Dimensions of a New Civilization, laying down standards for uplifting Zimbabwe from current state of economic depression into a model for other nations worldwide. A decaying tree provides an opportunity for a blossoming sprout. Written from a Christian perspective, the book is a product of inspiration, bringing reliefs to those having witnessed strings of unworkable solutions––leading to the current economic and social decay. In a simple conversational tone, most Zimbabweans should find the book as a long awaited providential oasis of hope.
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