The news coming from down South can indeed be disturbing, to those with rational minds. Land expropriation, as being tabled in South African Parliament, sounds noble. But only to those failing to appreciate that the problem of humanity is more to do with the mind, rather than land, necessarily. What is most surprising is that South African politicians cannot take advantage—learning from Zimbabwean experience?
The problem with our black people is basically inferiority complex. This is why they assume that speaking good English is a sign of being educated or being clever. I totally disagree with those who have always advanced a notion that whites have more propensity for racism than blacks.
My own assessment has always been that confusion is projected in blacks—viewing whites as more superior than them. What makes this even more discomforting is that this is projected by political leaders. It appears as if black politicians are regarded as revolutionaries, only when displaying being inferior to whites.
In Zimbabwe we had our own Strive Masiiwa coming up with an initiative to establish a cellular company, but being given a torrid time. The so-called land expropriation champions expected him to be a farmer, instead. The advocates of land expropriation are mostly driven by jealousy—worried more about successful white farmers than actual farming.
The dynamics of humanity is that we cannot all be farmers. In other words, in the minds of people driven by jealousy, the wealth of white farmers should be transferred to the so-called marginalized blacks. This sounds noble, but only to those struggling with a syndrome of colonial mentality.
Farming is one of many occupations that people can adopt, as connecting with a person’s natural talent and ability. Regardless of whether you are black, white, yellow, or anything. In fact, if white farmers are doing well in that profession, why expropriate them of their land?
A clever politician would simply seek to legislate in terms of fair remuneration to farm workers and maximum farm-land utilization. Why expropriate people who are productive? If what occupies the minds of blacks is that it is wrong for whites to be rich. Then I have a very good reason to agree with seemingly racist Donald Trump. It would indeed be a curse to be an African.

The unelected Zimbabwean President, Emmerson Mnangagwa seems to have got it right, though—when declaring that Zimbabwe is open for business. Unfortunately—unpredictable as ZANU PF is known to be—it is difficult to take Mnangagwa seriously. On face value, he sounds very reasonable.
Who occupies land? Ought not to be the question. But what is done on that land? is what is important. Following Mnangagwa’s sentiments—hoping that he wins in the next election—white South African farmers ought to trek up north, for farming business. See [Give Ngwena chance to sort our Gukurahundi].
I personally have got nothing to admire on black South African politicians. This is why they regarded the despotic Mugabe as their hero. If the guerrilla armed struggle was solely for land, then that struggle was stupid. Should all blacks now be forced to become farmers? If yes, then Africa is doomed further into miserable condition.
This is what describes the dilapidated state of Zimbabwe. As can be seen in Harare’s CBD. Everyone is selling tomatoes, without anyone buying those tomatoes. If all this is not disgraceful, then what can be described as disgraceful? Politicians are plenty in the continent of Africa—but being a continent dismally lacking in leadership.
What we see in Africa, is not poverty caused by lack of material resources, but poverty caused by lack of intellectual resources. Africa needs freedom from colonial mentality, more than people should think of freedom from poverty. Africans are no different from the Israelites who God could not allow to enter into the Promised Land, because of their slavery mentality. Numbers 13 & 14.
The same applies with most of our black Africans. They still languish in colonialism, after decades of having attained independence. Most of them—in the likes of Malema—even mistake the accumulated hatred of white people as a sign of being revolutionary. See [A new civilization emerging in Southern Africa].
But the South Africans should be privileged of carrying a Mandela’s legacy. Is it not possible for Scholars and historians to extract the best of Nelson Mandela’s legacy? And help poor Africans to appreciate what value is and what value is not?
The case of Robert Mugabe should, by now, have led Africans to appreciate what stupidity entails. If Africans cannot learn from Zimbabwean experience, then Africans will remain a laughing stock, until Jesus comes. This has got nothing to do with the skin colour, but a sign of lack of mental freedom.
Most Africans mistake emotion with intelligent reasoning. This is why in Zimbabwe today, Chamisa has suddenly become a household name. Notwithstanding that Chamisa displayed unbelievable intelligence deficiency, at Tsvangirai’s death. To most people, Chamisa’s charisma displays intelligent reasoning, regardless of what is on the ground. See [Lessons from the behaviour of MDC’s Chamisa].
The current popularity of Chamisa is similar to that of Robert Mugabe in 1980. Instead of learning from Mugabe’s undesirable political outcomes, Zimbabweans seem to be repeating the same mistake—being betrayed by Chamisa’s charisma. MDC supporters have suddenly created a cult out of Chamisa.
But, lest I be interpreted wrongly, Chamisa may hold excellent credentials. There is no doubt that most people admire Chamisa for his craftiness. This is why such people cannot see Chamisa’s wrongness, considering the assaults of patriots, opposed to him. But all this displays the stupidity with our African brothers. They seem to be driven by emotion, more than intelligent reasoning.
The so-called South African land expropriation will unveil more suffering, not only to black South Africans, but also to blacks, in the entire continent. This is when considering that all along South Africa had been viewed as an oasis for most African job-seekers. I certainly hold no admiration for Ramaphosa, in the same way that I hold no admiration for ZANU PF leaders.
The problem is not about Ramaphosa or ZANU PF leaders, necessarily. The African challenge stems from the problem of inferiority complex. The Ramaphosas and ZANU PF leaders are merely projecting the reasoning capacity of their followers. To me, these are not leaders, but politicians, seeking to take advantage of African people’s imbecility.
Andrew Masuku is the author of Dimensions of a New Civilization, laying down standards for uplifting Zimbabwe from current state of economic depression into a model for other nations worldwide. A decaying tree provides an opportunity for a blossoming sprout. Written from a Christian perspective, the book is a product of inspiration, bringing reliefs to those having witnessed strings of unworkable solutions––leading to the current economic and social decay. In a simple conversational tone, most Zimbabweans should find the book as a long awaited providential oasis of hope.
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